Friday, March 1, 2013

Samedi, 23 Février 2013: Adventures in Home Decor & Babysitting

Andréa took me to some 'American' diner for lunch today. It was Nashville themed and Elvis was everyone. We even had Elvis as our host. I ordered a club sandwich and I don't think you could even call it food. It was the most awful thing I've ever put in my mouth. Their version of 'cheddar' cheese is Kraft American cheese which I've always hated. I felt so sick after the first few bites that I had to run outside for some fresh air. Bad food on top of my already horrendous migraine made me turn green--literally. I ended up waiting in the car while Andréa paid the bill. At least our appetizers were good--jalapeno poppers and all.

Once I got enough cold air on my face, I felt okay. We headed out to the shops afterward with just one mission. Buy sheets. He had had the same ugly blue striped sheets since we met. We ended up going to the mall to find me a shirt since I didn't pack one in my overnight bag. I spent about 30 euro on pretty much nothing but everything in France is over-priced--even H&M. We went to IKEA next. This one was so big it had a 2-level underground parking garage. It seemed like there was really only one entrance--straight to the top. This is really smart if you think about it. You're forced to see everything and are therefore more tempted to buy, well...everything. I'm a home-decorating addict so I ended up liking pretty much everything. Andréa basically bought an entire new bedroom and I must say, looks good. 

I headed back to Aix soon after because my host parents needed me to babysit the boys while they went out to dinner with some friends. Baptiste invited a friend over and the girls slept over at an old neighbor's house. The boys were so easy to look after. They were a bit loud at first but they chilled out once I put Breaking Dawn Part II on my laptop and hooked it up to the stereo system Andréa had just given me. 

Andréa showed up halfway through the night after playing a game of soccer with his friends. This is when the massage hula hoop came out. All of the kids gave it a try before I went ahead and 'worked out' for an hour. The kids thought they were being cool as they 'dangerously' passed through my legs as the hoop was gyrating around my waste. It was so cute :-) 

I put Gregoire to bed around 21h30 and the rest of the boys, including Andréa fell asleep on my bed while watching the latest Resident Evil. I love my boys...

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