Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Jeudi, 21 Mars 2013: "Quel âge as-tu?"

Andréa is still on vacation for the rest of the week so he promised he'd come to Aix everyday so I wouldn't have to blow my gas on visiting him. I don't know what it is really, but he still slept the same hours that he normally would if he were working from 4h00 to 12h00. Maybe it was out of habit or maybe it's just really, really boring at our house. Ha haha. It was still nice to spend time at home for a change. Plus, I was still able to do some housework while he was napping.

I spent the better part of my morning looking for four pairs of 3-D glasses. Maman and the triplets had been invited by another lawyer to a screening of Cirque du Soleil on the screen. That evening I picked up Gregoire and the triplets while I left Andréa at home. I walked the kids to maman's office where the kids were yelled at for being too loud. I kind of just laughed in their faces because they always get themselves in trouble with strangers. I always warn them ahead of time that they need to be respectful but they never listen so when the lawyer came out of his office and told them to shut it I just kind of gave them the "I told you so" look and they ran up the stairs to their mom. 

I left the triplets with their mom, said 'hi' to everyone in the office, and made my way back to the car with Gregoire. He was upset that he didn't get to stay with everyone else but maman had given us chocolate and when I unwrapped a piece for him, he gleefully chewed away and didn't make another sound. Gregoire saw Andréa through the back door as soon as we got home and ran up to him for a hug. We always joke that Gregoire and Andréa are best friends. The triplets get a kick out of that. 

For dinner tonight, I made the worst spring rolls I had ever made. First of all, I used the wrong type of noodles and they sat in water for too long. The boys still ate them. I don't really care whether anyone liked them or not. They served their purpose and my belly wasn't empty :-)

Gregoire threw tantrums several times throughout the evening for reasons probably unknown to himself as well. Everytime he started crying or screaming I'd say "Gregoire, tu as quel âge???" When he'd reply with "3 ans!!!" I'd say in french 'No, you're not. Do you know why you're not 3 years old? Because you're always crying.' That got him to stop immediately. And everytime he'd start up again, I'd mock him, and of course kids don't like to be made fun of, so he shut right up. I'm hard on him on purpose. I don't want him to be spoiled. I really hate to say this but the triplets think that they can get whatever they want by crying, screaming, or throwing tantrums. They're really nice kids but they have no idea what the real world is going to hold--and they think life is hard now... I don't want Greg to expect everything to be handed to him. Thankfully, Céline and Didier are on the same page and back-up my lessons. 

After I put Gregoire to bed, Andréa and I put on 50/50. It's a movie about a young man who discovers he has cancer. This is a wonderfully done film! You laugh, you cry. It feels like it could be real! I highly recommend this film to anyone. Check it out!

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