Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Vendredi, 22 Mars 2013: Nanny-Capades and Break-Ups

I took Andréa on my rounds today to pick up the kids. He accompanied me on the drive to every building and saw how hellacious my evenings become as I retrieve each kid. In the hour route that it takes me to go from Camille's school to Léa and Baptiste's school in centre ville to Gregoire's daycare by Bibémus I become drained. Not to mention the awful fights that the triplets have with one another in the back-seat...It's horrific!!! Gregoire has picked up so many "gros mots" from their pointless arguments. Most of the time, I shut the music off on the way home and tell the kids that they won't be allowed to snack when we get back if they continue. This normally works, but today, Andréa was in the car and they were less annoying so I didn't have to resort to that. 

As the parents were getting home from work, Andréa got a call from his best friend Manon...Her boyfriend of 4 months dumped her...the day after her birthday!!! How horrible!!! Manon is one of the nicest girls I've ever met so I got pretty upset when I heard about this. I even got teary-eyed if that shows you how much I care about her. If there is anyone in this world that doesn't deserve to be treated like crap, it's her. She's the type of person that will give the guy she loves everything. And she did!!! I've had multiple conversations with Manon where she's told me that Yossef has done something to upset her, but she won't bring it up because she doesn't want to fight with him. She doesn't want to fight with him because she knows that their relationship is limited and that they WILL break up and there's no avoiding it because he's basically orthodox Jewish royalty and she's catholic. It's kind of like a Romeo and Juliet story but their history isn't really all that romantic. If I told a guy that I loved him 4 months ago and he still hadn't said it back yet, I would've let him go a long time ago. But that's just me. 

Andréa and I headed back to Marseille tonight to spend the evening alone. I was really distracted in the car. Andréa being his nosy self kept on asking me what was wrong but I didn't feel like talking about it, and I didn't think it was necessary that he knew. I was just thinking about all of my ex-boyfriends and all of the guys that have ever loved me that I hurt or never loved back. I really hate to say it, but...I'm a Yossef. I've broken hearts and did not give a shit. I kept thinking about all of the guys that haven't had another serious girlfriend since me. What did I do to them??? I'm the girl that makes boys cry and I have to admit, I kind of like it. Though I really hate it when Andréa cries. He's so good at making you feel the pain that he's feeling...I couldn't stop thinking about Manon or my exes the entire drive though. All of these break-up songs kept on playing on the radio and each song seemed to have been made for Manon in particular, like Taylor Swift's new song "I Knew You Were Trouble [When You Walked In]" or Shaka Ponk's song "I'm Picky"--a song about a guy who thinks he's too good for people. I wish I could pass on some of my strength to Manon. She looks like a tough cookie on the outside but I know that she's torn up. I've never been dumped before so I don't know what that feels like. I just wish I could make her feel better...

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