Friday, March 1, 2013

Dimanche, 24 Février 2013: Extended Family Dinners

I was really proud of the changes I made in Andréa's room so I convinced him to invite his mom and step-dad over for dinner. He ended up inviting over two of his best friends as well. We went to Intermarché that morning to get some groceries. I don't think I can ever get over how expensive everything is here. The bottom of the cart was barely covered and he spent over 100 euro. It's ridiculous...I could buy all of the stuff he bought back in the states for a third of the price, less even--if I went to Wal-Mart. Oh well, it's not my money.

Andréa made eggs benedict for brunch with lychee mimosas. Lychee are one of my favorite fruit. I also really love mangosteen but I haven't been able to find that here yet.

As for dinner...We started out with the lychee mimosas as an apertif. I made jalapeno poppers as an appetizer which didn't come out very pretty. Andréa and I spent too much time snuggling :-P I skipped the flour coating on the poppers to save time. We used fondue cheese for the filling since there was no cheddar but it doesn't matter what the melting temperature of your cheese is as long as you do put on a layer of flour before covering with egg yolk and bread crumbs. Oops!!! They still tasted good. Andréa made Tandoori chicken as the entrée which I didn't eat much of. I was so full from all of the periodic tastings of the food as it was being made. I couldn't resist when it came to dessert though. Albert, Andréa's step dad brought over the cutest little cakes and there were some without chocolate so I ate a few, ha haha. Andréa also bought a lemon meringue pie and had made pana cotta so I consumed an abnormal amount of sugar tonight.

Dinner was pretty good. I enjoyed listening and everyone's company but I started to get uncomfortable when everyone was talking about extra-marital relationships and divorce. Both Andréa and Manon's parents are divorced and have found new partners. I can't relate because my parents have always fought through whatever differences exist between them. I got bored after awhile because they were on that subject for what seemed like hours. I had just decided I was going to go to bed when everyone decided to leave at the same time, thank goodness. I could not take any more of that depressing talk...

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