Thursday, March 14, 2013

Mercredi, 13 Mars 2013: Good for the Soul

I've been a health nut today. It's normal for me to eat fruits and vegetables all day but I included water in my regime! Ooh!!! I NEVER drink water and I really should. Not only for skin clarity and moisture but to rid my body of toxins and just be healthier overall. 

I continued my health kick by running laps around a track while I waited for Baptiste to get out of soccer practice. I made it around 8 times which is probably a mile here. I was so dead afterward! The air was so cold, my lungs hurt. I also have exercise-induced asthma so that doesn't help. I haven't had a good run since I moved to France. My body is so blasé right now. I can't wait until it's nicer out so I can be more active. I hate gyms...

I decided to get my family on the healthy track with me since we mostly eat pasta, red meat, cheese, and bread. Maman loves soups and vegetables as much as I do so I decided to throw together a tomato-based vegetable soup tonight. I didn't want to leave any protein out so I added some tiny pork meatballs. Bam! 

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