Friday, March 29, 2013

Jeudi, 28 Mars 2013: My Boyfriend is 24

Today was Andréa's birthday. I tried to leave for Marseille as soon as I dropped the kids off but I ended up puking for a good 30 minutes. I had been sick all day with flu-like symptoms. You all know I'm stubborn though and I don't like to take medicine so I tried to sleep it off all day. I put on two layers of clothes, turned my radiator on high, got under the covers and tried to sweat it out during the day. My fever went down but I still had horrible chills and body aches so I just took some super strong pain-killers and took off...It's Andréa's birthday and he told me he'd never forgive me if I didn't come...Traffic was absolutely horrible on the way there, as it always is during this time, so I showed up 10 minutes before we were supposed to be at the restaurant. Of course I held Andréa up because I had to finish getting ready in his apartment. Good thing I can get ready fast. I'm not entirely high maintenance ;-)

When we got to the restaurant, Andréa was "surprised" by seeing his family there. He wasn't really surprised though. He knew they were going to come because he saw that his step-dad had called his best friend Manon. You can't ever surprise Andréa. It's so annoying! It's because he's so nosy! 

Dinner was alright. We had cocktails as apertifs which got me super drunk. I even drank it slow! I'm sure it was because I hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon though. I haven't been able to keep anything down. The pain meds probably didn't help either. Jeez, I'm turning into a freaking druggie alcoholic...

The food was good though I still didn't have an appetite. I forced myself to eat what I could. I would've taken my normal foodie pictures but I had the most awful body aches, I just didn't want to move. I sat super straight the entire dinner--"Humans don't do that." I tried to slouch every now and then but that totally killed my muscles. Stupid flu--can't even relax when you want to. 

As for gifts, Andréa got several programs to learn english which will be helpful if he actually moves to the states with me. He also got this super awesome gift from his friends called Wonderbox. The package comes with a map and a reservation to one of the spots on the map. It can be anything from a beauty treatment to a romantic dinner for two wherever you choose. I guess the point of the Wonderbox is to bring new clientele to already established businesses. It's a really good gift!

From me, Andréa got some Calvin Klein boxers, a zombie game for his Xbox Kinect, and a swiss-made Calvin Klein watch--one of the classic editions. I basically spent all of the money I made last month on his gifts and I'm not usually the gifting type but when I saw it, I immediately thought of him. He seemed to really like it and that's all that matters. Money comes and goes. It's a natural cycle and I'm not worried as long as I have enough money to buy my plane ticket home ;-)

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