Monday, May 6, 2013

Lundi, 29 Avril 2013: Little Monsters

I picked up all of the kids today after school, comme d'hab. We didn't go straight home like we normally do though. I decided to take a detour to the park. I wasn't able to run this morning as I normally do since it was raining so I figured this evening would be a good opportunity. Besides, what kid doesn't like the park? 

The triplets have a cross-country event on the same track this Thursday so this was their chance to practice. I told all of the kids that each person would take turns watching Gregoire so that we wouldn't have to worry about him keeping up. When it came down to it, all three of the triplets openly said that they didn't want to watch him. So I told them, 'Fine. I just told Didier that we're all coming home instead.' This is when all of the kids groaned and starting whining. So then we had a conversation about responsibility and taking turns. Camille and Baptiste are pretty selfish as kids go, but Léa volunteered for the first watch. I thought I'd give the kids a chance to prove that they weren't brats. Camille and Baptiste took off running through the park while Léa sat with Gregoire on the hill and watched. 

Though the 10 minute round had already passed and the two of the triplets had ran 2 km like they would have to for the crosse, they didn't stop. They decided to go explore the gardens instead and left poor Léa waiting on the hill. I decided to relieve her even though I didn't even get half of my run in. I normally jog for an hour straight but I could see that Léa was sad so I decided to suck it up. 

About a minute after Léa started running, it started pouring, thundering, and lightning so I gathered all of the kids and shoved them back towards the car. Baptiste took a bad step as he was running toward us and laid on the ground for a bit. He got up when he was ready but I could see that he wasn't actually hurt since he was dawdling and kicking the soccer ball around with the foot that was supposedly hurt. The girls, Greg, and I left Baptiste behind and got in the car. When he realized no one was waiting around for him, he hurried up and hopped in. It's a constant battle with Baptiste everyday. He is so slow! If you don't leave the school grounds as he's getting his backpack together, he continues to taunt the other children and delay your departure as much as possible. 

The same thing happened with tonight's baths. If you don't tell the kids who needs to take a bath first, no one will take the initiative. Since Léa didn't get to run today, I told Camille that she had to get in the bath first since she's normally the last one. She whined and moaned and groaned as usual but I gave her that look like 'If you're not in the bath in the next 5 seconds, you'll be sorry.' She knows when I'm about to be pissed and she pushes her luck until I'm about to go off. She's smart though, she stops when she knows that she's going to run out of chances and I've never freaked out on her. Camille always tries to weasel her way out of anything by attempting to be cute but that show does not work on me, and she knows it though she always tries. 

Getting Baptiste into the bath was a total calamity. I told him to get into the bath probably 5 times during an hour's time and I always found him doing other things like kicking the ball around the driveway. I didn't want to allow him to annoy me so I called Didier in to handle things. He told Baptiste to get into the bath and the boy finally went upstairs. 

These discussions with the kids get so annoying. Thank goodness Léa is normally an angel and Gregoire doesn't try to defy me. Giving him a bath felt like the first time I was able to relax since I picked up the kids...

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