Friday, November 30, 2012

Jeudi, 29 Novembre 2012: Devil

I was much more active today in fulfilling my house duties. I sorted through some boxes in the garage and found some clothes that I washed, dried, ironed, and folded for the kids. I also re-organized Gregoire's clothing chest so that I'd know where everything is. The kid's got Burberry in there. He's gonna be stylin' tomorrow ;-) 

Google had also been spayed yesterday so I was on dog watch. She was much less drugged out than my own dog when she had the same surgery. Google spent all day in my room, lying on the doggie bed that I made for her. She didn't eat anything last night, but I decided to entice her today by making her some spaghetti. I mixed the noodles and sauce up with her dry dog food and she scarfed the whole thing down--slowly, but surely. 

I left the house at my usual 17h20. I made Google stay home so that she wouldn't have to maneuver around the kids with her freshly cut belly. I started with Camille as usual. She told me that she got her first kiss today! Victor is apparently a very cute boy that she's liked for a long time. The feeling is obviously mutual because he pulled her aside and stole a kiss. Oh la la!!! How cute. I'd flip out if that was my daughter though, ha haha. I guess I'll have to remind myself when I have my own children that it's innocent. Now, if they start sexting, well, that would be an issue. I find love letters in the girls' pockets all the time. I wonder if Céline found them before I came along or if this is a recent development. The letters are pretty lame, but I'm happy for that. It's the whole elementary "I like you. Do you like me too?" If the notes get beyond that, I'm gonna have to sit the girls down and have a talk with them. They seem to really respect my opinion and I would never want my girls to be hoes. Not that they would be at that age, but I wouldn't want them to get on that route.

We stopped at Léa and Baptiste's school next. Boy, was Baptiste slow or what!!! It took him so long to get his stuff together that I just started walking out. That's key, because as soon as they see you leaving, they stop whatever they're doing so they're not left behind. He was still a pain when he left the classroom though. First he refused to put back the magazines that he was reading--to his teacher's face, and then he took one of the balls and threw it out into the courtyard after everything else had already been put away. He didn't stop there. When we got to the creche, Baptiste started kicking all of the balls around the room while the ittle children were sitting on the floor. One of them could have gotten hit and would have subsequently cried. Good thing I nipped that one in the bud. I grabbed all of the balls in mid-air and kept them out of his reach. He then decided to taunt Gregoire instead of helping him get his coat and shoes on. I swear, whenever you take Baptiste anywhere, it takes twice as long to get stuff done. From now on, I'm making him stay in the car. Good thing I had the girls with me to tell him to stop being an idiot. I wouldn't feel right saying that to him, but the girls can say whatever they want, ha haha.

The car ride back was absolute Hell!!! First Léa was asking for the phone to call her mom for batteries, then she followed that with a million requests/demands as usual, to which I answer with "No!" It takes awhile to stop her but when she figures out that she can't coerce you, she shuts up. In the mean time, Baptiste was taunting Gregoire and making him cry. I had planned on making strawberry shortcake tonight but the kids were annoying me so much that I threatened to take it away. I told them that if they wanted cake that they needed to stop messing with each other and asking useless questions. That didn't deter them one bit and they ended up screaming over each other. Gregoire was bawling, Camille was yelling at Baptiste to get him to leave Gregoire alone, Baptiste was yelling back at Camille telling her that she wasn't the boss, and Léa continued to ask for things like bon bons. I pulled the car to a halting stop before I turned around to the kids in the back seat and said "Vous ne m'entendez pas!!! Pas de gateau pour tous!" This shut them all up super quick. It may also have something to do with my death stare. I hear that works wonders on my customers at Jack Browns. I was serious though. I can't have the kids messing with the lights, hitting each other, and screaming while I'm driving. That's just insanity. I know I've allowed them to get away with a lot but it's time for a little bit of discipline. I would be so embarrassed if these were my kids. They're super sweet and all, but they've got some 'cleaning up' to do. 

We finally got home and I got Gregoire into the bath immediately. I've been perplexed as to why he hates baths so much. I previously tried to bring toys into the tub, that didn't work. The next time, I let him wash himself so that he could control when and how his body was cleaned. This seemed to help a bit. He seemed to enjoy showing everyone that he could bathe himself like a big boy. My breakthrough came today though when I thought about what I'd like if I were taking a bath. The first answer that came to me was bubbles!!! I poured some shower gel into the running water and when Gregoire saw the foam rise, he roared with happiness. He hates having his hair washed but while he's playing with the bubbles, I'm able to shampoo his hair. Kids can be so simple if you actually take the time to think about what's important to them. This evening marks an extremely important milestone--Gregoire's first bath WITHOUT crying!!! It's a miracle!!! According to Céline and Didier, Gregoire has ALWAYS cried during a bath--especially when his hair gets wet. Watch out Super Nanny!!! You've got competition!!! I might be a bit slow, but I'm getting the hang of this!!!

Dinner was low-key tonight since Didier is out of town on business. We had croques-monsieurs!!! It's the most delicious sandwich ever--the real recipe anyway. I remember eating a simpler version in french class back in high school but the authentic stuff is so much better! I could eat this everyday. No, seriously!!!

I helped Léa with some english homework after dinner. The kids were sent to bed soon after because Céline was exhausted. I took that opportunity to retreat to my room to watch a movie. As soon as Céline left the floor, the kids all snuck into my room to see what I was doing. When they saw that I was watching a movie they immediately climbed under the covers with me. I told them it was a horror film and that they'd be scared, but they insisted on staying anyway. 

The movie was called "Devil." It's about 5 people who get stuck in an elevator. Murders ensue and the Devil is apparently behind it. The movie was okay, really not scary at all, but the kids were nervously twitching the entire time and holding onto me for dear life. It also might've been less scary for me because Léa was asking a million questions every minute instead of paying attention. Oy vey! She reminds me of my old friend Kelly Utter who always did that too.

After the movie was over I had to walk Baptiste to the bathroom, ha haha. I had to pee afterward as well, but I guess he forgot I was in there because when I walked out he nearly pissed his pants screaming "Tu me fait peur!" Ha haha. I kicked all of the kids out of my bed so they're all sleeping together in the next room with their door open and the hallway light on. Poor little ones. I warned them though. It may be wrong for me to decide this but I think it's better to expose them to the horror genre now so that they can learn to control their fear. No one likes a wussie...Those people get on my nerves. Besides, I hear they watch horror flicks with their dad all the time so I'm not the only one inflicting psychological damage ;-)

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