Friday, March 1, 2013

Lundi, 25 Février 2013: Full House

This Monday marks the second week of break for the kids. The triplets spent one week at their dad's house while Antoine and Nicolas spent the first week with their mom. This week though, I get all 5 of them plus Gregoire and Antoine's band. YES...8 kids...Good thing I can multi-task!!! The drummer of the band had just broken his wrist the past week so he wasn't able to come. Poor kid. He was so well-behaved so I would've been happy to have him. Actually, the entire band is a bunch of good guys. They never bother me and they do what they're told...I hope I can raise kids like that!

It was pretty hectic having such a full house even with Gregoire at daycare. Léa would be playing with my gigantic hula hoop, Camille would be skipping around the house singing off-key, Baptiste and Nicolas would be sword-fighting, and the band rocked out downstairs for HOURS. The singer was horrible. I don't think he ever learned the importance of pitch, timing, or dynamics. If he had any of the three, he wouldn't have sounded so bad. My host mom and I wanted to give him 'advice' but neither one of us knew him well enough to do so and didn't want to hurt his feelings.

I thought all the meals of the day would be incredibly tedious because of all of the dishes and our new dishwasher having not arrived yet, BUT, my host mom loves me and she bought paper plates and cups. God, I love that woman...She seriously tries so hard to make my life so good.

The kids were up way past 1h00. I tried several times to get them to go to bed but after 23h00 I was just so dead from the day that I passed out. I woke up around 2h00 to Didier yelling at the kids. And by kids, I mean the triplets and Nicolas. The other 3 boys were up in bed sleeping or at least being respectful of the other people in the house. The others were being absolutely ridiculous and he could hear them all the way from the guest room downstairs. I must have been in such a deep sleep that I didn't notice...

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