Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Vendredi, 8 Mars 2013: PART II: Marine Sushi

Andréa's friends invited us to dinner tonight. Sophie's sister owns a sushi shop in Aix-Les Milles. It's a quaint little spot with about 20 seats. The place was super cute though the menu was a bit bizarre to me. It wasn't your traditional sushi with your lists upon lists of nigiri or maki. I was a bit spoiled in college though--working at a more formal sushi restaurant. The owner, Danny, who became a good friend of mine taught me a lot about fish: how to filet them, how they should be served, what the color should be, how long you can offer the fish you buy, and NEVER buy frozen inventory. Whenever I go into a new sushi restaurant, I always have these things in the back of my head.

Marine Sushi offered just two fish, salmon and tuna, so Andréa and I ordered a plate of sashimi. The tuna was really off-colored but it tasted alright. When I say 'off-colored' I mean that the tuna was nearly the same shade as the salmon. I wouldn't have called that normal by any means, but, like I said before, I've been spoiled. If you live in Harrisonburg and you eat at Oriental Café, Kyoto, Café Jako, or Mr.Sato's, you know what I mean...

Andréa and I split two Sapporo, an order of shrimp gyoza, a plate of sashimi, 6 rolls, and each had a dessert. Andréa was still hungry after the first 3 rolls (18 pieces) and let me tell you why that is...There's no protein! Sure, there was some maki made with tamago and sake and maguro but the meat to rice to wrap ratio was just not proportional to me. But maybe that's why Americans are so fat ;-) Lol. Even through all of my commentary, overall, my experience was good. I was expecting SUSHI sushi but I'm ignorant and I'm American. I'll never stop assuming. I've learned today that sushi in one country should not be expected to be the same in another. I would probably go back. It was fun seeing what kinds of things they put in these 'food rolls.' If you don't really like raw fish, I'd highly recommend this place. *Ahem...KAMI!!!* Check out what they offer! You can also visit their site at and you can thank your food-gasms to me ;-)

Shrimp gyoza

On the left: tuna, avocado, and cucumber roll. 
In the middle: Lettuce and spring roll wrapped salmon, cream cheese, and chives. 
On the right: Foie gras and fig (SOOO GOOD!!!)

L-R: Not sure what the first one is--it might be sun-dried tomatoes, 
Egg-rolled cooked tuna in the middle, 
salmon nigiri up top, 
and the foie gras/fig roll on the far right/bottom.

L-R: Foie gras and fig roll, 
goat cheese and honey roll, 
sun-dried tomato, basil, and goat cheese roll.

From the bottom (clockwise): Salmon-wrapped avocado roll, 
avocado and cream cheese roll, 
traditional california roll, 
foie gras and fig roll, 
and it looks like salmon and cream cheese roll in the middle.

L-R: Egg-rolled cooked tuna and cream cheese roll, 
sun-dried tomato roll, 
and fresh tomato, chive, and cream cheese rolled in lettuce and spring roll wrap.

Bluberry mochi ice cream...NOM NOM NOM...

Lychee!!! My favorite fruit!!!

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