Thursday, February 28, 2013

Vendredi, 22 Février 2013: Drunk People Suck When You're Not Drunk

Because I didn't receive my birth control injection on time, I got my menstrual cycle back. It took awhile but my body is still capable of it. I've been on the Depo injection since I was 16 and haven't had my period since then. For those of you who read my blog post on french birth control, you all know that I experienced horrible PMS and PMDD when I had a regular menstrual period, which is why my doctor and I decided to get rid of it. 

I was going to go out with Kami Friday night but I felt so sick I decided to stay in. Andréa thought that we were all going to go to a hookah bar in Aix together so he got upset. He eventually guilt-tripped me into going to Marseille. I didn't really want to go because I knew we wouldn't have any alone time together--he already had two of his best friends there, he didn't need me, but he insisted that he did. 

I was on the highway for a good 10 minutes before I had to pull over due to a killer migraine--an effect that usually came with my periods. I'd never experienced one so bad. I felt like my skull was splitting open. I moved myself off of the highway to a gas station and sat there for a good 30 minutes waiting for the pain to subside. 

When I eventually got to Andréa's I was pretty much dead and he did not even know what was going on. He was so drunk. It's apparently a rare occurrence around me because I'd never seen him act so retarded in all the time I've known him. Right before I got there, he had jumped off of his balcony and back on--landing on his man parts. That story was kind of funny but everything else he did kind of just got on my nerves. Maybe it's because I haven't ever seen this side of him. I'm glad he can have fun with his friends, but he was at the point where he was beyond ridiculous. And it wasn't at all attractive. Oh well, I'm glad he can have his friends for those shenanigans. 

We all got a few good laughs in (I tried even though my brain was exploding) before everyone decided to call it a night. I took some medicine and once I was able to relax, I was out. 

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