Friday, March 29, 2013

Mardi, 26 Mars 2013: Le Vendredi Saint

Good Friday is three days away but maman came home with a gift to commemorate the occasion, a cross made out of a palm frond. Carine, an associate at her law firm and Gregoire's god-mother made a ton of them for each member of our family. I'm not super religious but I'm a Christian regardless. 

Maman tried to tell me that I have to go to mass with the family this Sunday...Um, no thanks. I love them but I cannot sit through a three hour Catholic service. Not only that but the service is in french and I haven't learned that sector of vocab yet. Luckily, maman was just kidding. She likes to scare me every once in awhile, ha haha.

The kids and I had a discussion about religion earlier. Léa and Baptiste are learning about the history of religion in school so they asked me a question. 'If you're not Catholic, what are you?' they said. I just told them that I'm not a very religious person. I have Christian values but because of my oriental ancestry and the way I was raised, there's a lot of Buddhist influence in my life as well. The triplets asked me if everyone in America was like this. I had to think about it for a bit and consider all of my friends and acquaintances. I decided to tell them that a lot of Americans are becoming more spiritual in this day and age. Most of my friends have no designated religion like me. When we're asked and expected to give an answer, we normally say non-denominational Christian. The kids asked me why people around the world practice less and less religion. I don't really know if that's the case at all, but I told them that religion was the cause of a lot of wars in human history. This turned into an hour-long conversation but I'm excited that the kids wanted to talk about something intellectual for once...

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