Monday, July 1, 2013

Lundi, 24 Juin 2013: Chicken Pox, More Lice, and A Change for Me

I had my usual housework today so I was pretty exhausted. Didier dropped Céline's sister Alix off at centre ville and picked Gregoire up on the way home. Apparently, he has the chicken pox. Everyone kept telling me all of the spots on his body were mosquito bites. I didn't know any better. I've never had the chicken pox. My parents had me vaccinated and never told me. As I was growing up, I'd always try to catch the chicken pox from another kid, but never succeeded. You know, all of those horror stories about the chicken pox being more difficult when you get older. I found out I was immune when I requested all of my medical records at the age of 21.

Léa and Baptiste are off on their "class verte" this week so I've just got Camille and Greg for the next 5 days.  Since Camille has always been the worst with the lice, maman asked me to pay special attention to her hair this week. I completely skipped the mayo today and went straight for the Poux-It that Céline brought home. I swear on my own life, I have NEVER seen lice this big! They were the size of matchstick heads and they were still moving as I pulled them out. Gross! GROSS!!! 

After I was fully grossed out, I decided it'd be better if I cut my hair. Less hair equals less chance of getting lice. And if at least one of the kids always has lice, then it's better for me to minimize the likelihood. It's a super hot French summer anyway and I can barely sleep at night. My hair annoys me when it falls on my face, and even having it all up in a bun makes my head sweaty. Plus, my hair grows so fast, I never miss it! I was in the mood for change...

This is with about 6 inches off. And I just had 4 inches cut off a few months ago.

I begged Céline's sister to cut the bulk off for me. 
I didn't think it was quite short enough, so she cut another inch off

Then I watched some YouTube tutorials and layered the rest on my own.
And yes, that would be an additional 6 inches off.

This is an old picture but the cut is exactly the same.
Yay! Summer hair!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your hair short! Good choice to cut especially with how hot it is!
