Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Vendredi, 8 Mars 2013: PART I: Ooh Centre Ville

I went to centre ville this morning after I dropped Gregoire off at the crêche. I had a few things to grab for my cooking project and I was also meeting Chiara, one of my fellow au pairs. She's buying a nightgown set from me. I had recently put up a FB page to help Andréa sell all of his leftover lingerie. He and his partner bought 4 boxes worth of lingerie for their shoots and I guess they didn't read the fine-print because they got 4 boxes of the same 4 designs. It's ridiculous. I've already taken my share, but there are a ton of panties and bras sitting under my bed. I'm going to get rid of them. I swear it! 

After doing a quick exchange with Chiara on the Cours Mirabeau, I went back the pastry chef shops to find what I was looking for. I bought some pastry bags, shaped-tips, wax paper, and baking pans. Andréa has this obsession with macaroons. Since I've begun to love them as well, I've decided I'd try my hand at making them. I'll let you all know how this goes later ;-)

My last stop was the craft store. I feel like the women in there always know what I'm after. They always greet me like they know me and quickly show me some new products that tickle my fancy. I really love DIY projects so I'm in there often. 

Once I got what I needed, it was time to pick the kids up from school and drop them off at their lessons. I started with Camille. As soon as I got her, I dropped her off at the pool on my way to pick up the rest of the triplets. When I retrieved Léa and Baptiste, I was on my way back to Meyreuil to pick up Andréa at our house, drop Léa off to do her homework with Didier, and drive Baptiste to soccer practice in Plan de Meyreuil--10 minutes away. Baptiste was a few minutes late so I stopped the car in front of the stadium and he ran in. I decided to park the car and Andréa and I walked to the field to make sure he got in okay. I don't know what it is, and I don't understand it, but just walking on the track around the soccer field with my hand in Andréa's really just gave me butterflies. He's always doing crap that really annoys the hell out of me, but when it comes down to it, none of it matters. And yes, you read my mind ;-) I always forget anyway. 

Andréa and I walked up some stairs to reveal a hill overlooking a nuclear plant. The sun was setting so the scene was a bit terrifying and beautiful at the same time. Andréa was talking about how great that place would be for a photoshoot so I think I'll try to involve it in his next photo project. 

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