Thursday, March 7, 2013

Jeudi, 28 Février 2013: Girl's Night Out

Though I had tried to move past my emotional set-back Tuesday, I was still feeling a bit off. Andréa messaged me to see if I was still upset and I had to spill. I was still perturbed about the dinner, but not because his mom and step-dad had crossed a boundary, but because he didn't stand up for me. He said that he didn't butt-in because I'm always telling him that I can handle things on my own. Yes, I normally can, but this is a situation where he needed to take control. They're his parents. I would feel disrespectful if I had told them that I didn't want to answer their questions.

We kept on going back and forth with each of our arguments. I told him that I didn't see a future with him because I didn't feel like he could protect me. And he told me that he felt like it was stupid that I would want to break up over something so small. He didn't realize how big of a deal it was until he read the blog post about my mom. I kept on telling him that he didn't understand and he kept on trying to guilt trip me because he had had strep throat the past few days and I didn't know because I didn't bother to ask him how he was doing, and yes, because I didn't really care. We disputed for so long and got nowhere. I felt like he wasn't listening to me, though I probably didn't even try to see his point. We kept going in circles and I got so frustrated that I "broke up" with him. I regretted it soon after...I'm an extremely proud person though so I didn't take it back until much later. I kind of just said that I overreacted and figured I'd sleep it off. You always feel differently about arguments the next morning.

I went out with my girls that night to burn off everything that I had been bottling up. There was Kami, Autumn, Liezl, Evelyn, and Maya. We all got ready at Kami's together and as Maya went home, the rest of us headed out to meet Alyssa at some bar by Hotel de Ville. She was on a blind date set up by her host dad. The bar was basically the size of a sardine can though so we left. 

The girls and I hit up O'Shannon's next where we kind of pre-gamed. We hightailed it to Scat Club for a bit because Liezl had just 30 minutes left to enjoy the night. It was outside of Scat that I saw the guy I couchsurfed with my first three weeks in France, Yann. It was really weird seeing him because we basically haven't spoken since I left his apartment. He basically talked shit to me everytime we had a FB conversation and he turned down all of my invitations to go out. I must've been a pretty sucky guest, lol. I guess he was being a creeper though. The girls said that he followed us downstairs and just stood in the hallway watching us dance. I didn't see, but still, weird...

Liezl had to leave early so the girls and I walked her to their meeting spot. Poor girl. She didn't even get to have one drink. Her host dad had gone through a few au pairs in recent months due to a lot of surprising issues like leaving the kids home alone, staying out late, or refusing to do light housework. The last au pair even had a car accident and didn't say anything about it. The host dad just found his car in a critical state the next morning. Liezl hasn't said anything yet, but the girls and I feel like she might feel as if she's being punished for the past au pairs' mistakes. I told her host dad about my concerns when he said he was worried about her. They had a talk and all is well. 

Once Liezl left, I talked the girls into going to O'Neals which was just a block away. This bar is a decent dance spot along with some great drink specials. They have this 2 liter liquor bucket for 30 euro and that's what we ordered as soon as we entered. The four of us didn't do much dancing because we were too busy standing in a corner sucking down the alcohol. 

We headed back to Scat afterward and did some serious dancing. It was packed this time around. Everyone was shoulder-to-shoulder so we were already uncomfortable. That didn't stop this guy from trying to creep on me though. Apparently he had been boppin' behind me for 20 minutes until he decided he'd try to get up right behind me. I just turned around, waved my finger 'no' and went back to dancing. This is when he tried to dance with Autumn. She kind of entertained him for a bit, not touching him, ha haha. He decided to go find someome more willing. Kami and Autumn left to go to the bathroom which took FOREVER. Creepy homeboy came back around and tried to dance with me again. Evelyn and I kind of shuffled around so that none of our bums were in his direction. This was us trying to be nice...He kept on following me around and when he finally tried to touch me again, I got irritated so I glared at him, took both of my hands, and physically pushed him away. He put his hands up like "What???" Shook his head, lightly smacked my face/caressing it at the same time, and walked away to find his new victim. Evelyn and I roared with laughter and so did everyone around us that was watching. It was a trip!

It was almost 2h00 so we knew Scat would be closing soon. We were all pretty drunk but still wanted to party so we headed back to Kami's to look up some clubs that would be open until morning. During this time, Evelyn took a cab home and the rest of us got sleepy. We stayed up until about 4h00 chatting. I made pasta of course, my favorite drunk food. We ate a bit and eventually passed out. Kami and I cuddled for the night while Autumn took the couch. 

And then my alarm went off at 7h00...

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