Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mardi, 19 Mars 2013: Adios España!!!

I decided that no matter what the rest of the family was doing today that I was going to stay at the apartment and recuperate. Andréa and I waited at the train station for over an hour last night after standing on the train for about the same amount of time. We had gotten even more sick due to the wear on our bodies. Andréa and I both skipped dinner last night and passed out early.

We both got up late this morning. I guess the rest of the family decided they needed a day of rest too because everyone stayed in. I didn't shower, didn't put any make-up on, I didn't even get dressed really. I just threw a bath robe on and called it a day.

Tonton Patrick, Albert, and I laid out and got ourselves some tans. Well, Albert got red, the rest of us got tans. The parents went out and got take-out from their favorite restaurant. We had lunch on the terrace and it was a beautiful day. 

We spent the majority of the day playing Just Dance 4 on the Wii. Yes, EVERYONE danced. Not gonna lie, the adults were way better than me, ha haha. When the evening came to a close Joelle fixed some home-made pasta and sauce. I really had no appetite because I was still feeling sick but I ate anyway because my body needed some form of nutrition. Joelle kept on trying to get us to take another helping of food but I couldn't and when she asked why, I had to remind her that I was sick. She had a look of amazement on her face and said "No! Toi aussi???" Um...Yeah. I've BEEN sick since the trip began, or did you forget? Just because I don't bitch about it doesn't mean it's gone. I just know that complaining isn't going to make it any better. You just have to accept the pain and discomfort and attempt to regain your health. That's it.

Andréa and I got all of our bags packed pretty early so we basically just had to wait for the adults to get themselves ready before we headed out. Joelle, Albert, Tonton, and Tata were going to see the Fallas sculptures burn after they dropped us off. Unfortunately, the departures back to the south of France were very limited so we had to miss the burning ceremony. 

The six of us waited at the bus stop for a good bit. Tonton Patrick stood in the road to make sure the bus driver didn't miss us. The bus was a little late but it wasn't a big deal. The whole family was waiting with us. We exchanged quick and unemotional goodbyes and Andréa and I hopped on the bus.

Andréa still had a high fever so once we got settled in the back of the bus I pushed myself against the window and laid his body against mine. We passed out immediately and slept like that for a few hours.

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