Friday, February 15, 2013

Jeudi, 14 Février 2013: PART I: Au Pairs and Expats in Provence

Romy, the triplets' uncle had a new au pair arrive Tuesday. Her name is Liezl, she's 18 and from New Zealand. Romy was worried about introducing her to the wrong crowd like he did the last au pair so he asked if I'd introduce her to some good people. I recently met a few other au pairs from the area and thought they'd be a great start. 

I organized a little get-together in centre-ville through Chiara--an italian au pair in the area. The other girls I had met weren't able to come. I arrived at Romy's around 11h20 to pick up Liezl. The poor girl wasn't given the code to the gate so she couldn't exit, ha haha. The barriers were much to tight to squeeze through and much too high to jump. Luckily the neighbor was out in his garden. I had already met Christopher last fall so I wasn't shy about hollering for help. 

When Liezl and I got to the Cours Mirabeau the group we had originally expected had multiplied. Lucky for us because Liezl and I got to meet a bunch of great girls today! There was one expat, Ana, who is a 28 year old Romanian. The rest of us are au pairs. Chiara is a 23 year old Italian, Evelyn (18) is Canadian, and the Americans are Jessica (21), and Alyssa (24). The majority of the girls just arrived within the past few weeks but Ana and Chiara had lived in Lyon previously.

I was a bit hungry so I suggested we go underground and visite Crêpes-à-GoGo. The girls had never been there so they were keen on the idea. I accidentally mistook Liezl's crêpe for mine so she received it with a bite already taken out of it, ha haha. Poor girl. I know, I suck. The 7 of us took a walk around the market and got to know each other. I feel as if we all bonded instantly! 

While talking to the girls I found out that they were also couchsurfers! I absolutely love the world of couchsurfing!!! That site has been such a blessing to me and my travels. It's so amazing how you meet people that are so similar while you're doing the things you love.

Jessica had to leave for class halfway through. It turns out she's an IEFEE student like I used to be. And through CSA as well! And yes, she agrees that CSA is crap. [Reminder: If you are planning to study abroad, sign up with CEA!!! Rated #1] As Jessica left for class, the rest of us sat down at a café to finish our cute afternoon the French way. It was at this time that I decided indefinitely that I love this group of girls! We are so like-minded: Very independent with a strong work-ethic and yen for cultural enlightenment. I can't wait to hang out with them again, luckily, that's tomorrow! I've invited them to Krystle's party to meet that particular group of my friends. Krystle and Dana will love them!!!

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