Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dimanche, 10 Mars 2013: Cars Are Not Toys

Andréa and I spent all day watching the Paranormal Activity film series. I downloaded the VLC player so I could play french sub-titles with the movies but you can pretty much get the gist of any of those movies even if you don't speak english. Andréa hates horror movies! This is a huge bummer because it's my favorite movie genre. At least he'll sit through them when I want him to. When we watched the last horror movie, he told me 'If I pass out, you have to smack me.' HA HAHA!!! Poor guy...I wonder how he's going to fare tonight because I just told him about a nightmare I had about his roommate's boyfriend being possessed.

We headed back to Aix after the last Paranormal Activity film. Didier's older kids and their partners had already left so the house was somewhat back to normal again. As soon as I got back maman said 'You left the lights on in your car all weekend and Didier had to jump the battery.' I was confused because I was sure I didn't leave the lights on, so I said 'But maman...The last time I drove the car, it was night. The lights weren't on. And I know that I didn't leave them on because when you turn off the car, it makes a loud beeping sound if you forget.' She just shrugged. I immediately went downstairs and asked Didier about the lights being left on. He just said "Yeah, I jumped your car. No big deal. You know...My son! Ha haha! He decorated your car too because he says it's 'ma voiture'." Gregoire had been playing in my car while Didier, Julien, and Melanie's boyfriend were re-arranging the garage. OBVIOUSLY, I didn't do it. 

I wish Didier would share more information with Céline though, because everytime something goes wrong with my car she thinks it's me. Well, news flash. Just because I drive it doesn't mean I should be held accountable for everything that happens to it. On Saturday, maman told me that I left the back windows down in the car while it rained...Seriously? My action process is like this after I'm done driving: Make sure all windows are closed all the way. Put the car into 1st gear. Pull e-brake. Make sure lights are off. Exit. Being called out is annoying, especially if you know that you're always on top of your shit. Not that I've never left the lights on and killed my car batteries before, but it's impossible to do that in this car. The noise made when the lights are left on is so freaking loud and obnoxious that you can't miss it. I get irritated when I get blamed for stuff that happens, especially when I know that the kids did it. It's not like I say anything though because I don't care too much if they think I screwed something up. But, I SEE EVERYTHING. I know who did what, when, and how. Maman sounds like she's kidding most of the time when she says I forgot something, but I really hope she doesn't actually think I'm responsible for even half the crap that happens around here. I know that Didier never thinks it's me, but he's not biased. He sees things for what they are. I've started locking my car at home. We'll see if I'll ever leave the lights on again ;-)

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