Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Jeudi, 7 Mars 2013: Gas-O-Matician

I didn't sleep well through the night. It was just so hot in Andréa's room. I normally sleep like a rock but I was tossing and turning all night. I eventually turned the radiator off but by then, it was too late. It was nearly 4h00 and Andréa had to get up for work. Because I had so much trouble sleeping, I decided to leave for home at the same time.

I half expected Andréa to come to Aix after he got off work today. I'm always going to Marseille to be with him so I figured he could come see me a few times out of the week. I couldn't go to Marseille today because I had to drive Camille and maman around. Camille had carnaval at her school today so I picked her up, then maman, then we went back to the house to dress her up, ate lunch, then I dropped them both back off. This entire job took about a mere hour. After which, Andréa could've came but he didn't sleep through the night either so he opted to stay in Marseille and catch some Zzz's instead. I was kind of annoyed, though I understood. He didn't sleep. I get that. In the beginning though, it was always him coming to see me in Aix. Now it's me who's always going to Marseille to see him. I don't really mind driving there all the time, I like that we get to cuddle in private or spend the afternoon doing things alone. I just expect him to be able to come here when I want him to as well, and for HIM to want to.

There's also the whole gasoline issue. Maman and I kind of got into a minor spat today about my gas allowance. She had just paid the ticket I got for running a yellow light. It was 90 euro. My gas tank was running low again and maman was saying that I use too much gas traveling to and from Marseille. I guess Didier hadn't told her that I was paying for every other fill-up. I told her that I had already filled up twice, on my own dollar. She seemed shocked because her car doesn't run out of gas that quickly. If you think about it though, I do a lot of driving just picking up and dropping off the kids. On a single roundtrip to the crêche and back, I'm driving 26km. Consider how much I'm actually driving three days a week when I'm picking up all 4 of the kids at three different schools. Or on Wednesdays when I'm trying to the next town over to pick Baptiste up from soccer practice. With all of the stopping and going in town, the gas needle drops more quickly. When I drive to Marseille on the highway, the needle barely budges. Honestly though, we all think that the Mégane has a gas leak because the fuel literally disappears, even when the car isn't in use. It's either that or the gas indicator isn't working properly. Just today the digital gas meter said that I had 469km left in the tank, once I got back from dropping Gregoire off at daycare, it said I had just 324km left...Tell me there isn't something wrong there...Whether there's something wrong with the car or not, my bank account is quickly emptying out due to all of the gas stops. What a load of bologna!!! But I guess my au pair money is technically being used appropriately. For travel, right? ;-)

The gas issue kind of irritated me thoughout the rest of the day. I don't want my host parents to think I'm swindling them of money, but I don't feel like I should use my entire month's pay on personal travel either. I've started to use my saving's because I get paranoid when my bank account gets under a certain amount. I guess I let the stress get to me because I kind of took it out on Andréa. I pushed his buttons a bit--complaining about how he never comes here anymore, yadda yadda yadda. Though I was really joking around with him, he took me seriously. Sometimes I don't remember that people can't feel your emotion through written words. He kind of hurt my feelings with his rebuttal and I got upset. When he found out that I was kidding, he kind of recoiled. Oh well...shit happens.

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