Saturday, March 2, 2013

Mardi, 26 Février 2013: PART II: The Depo Relief

When I got home, I found a post office slip on my dresser. My depo-provera injections had finally arrived but the package was too big to be left in the mail box. Everyone was napping so I quickly left to retrieve my long-awaited contraception. I really didn't know where the post office was in Plan de Meyreuil--Google Maps and Mapquest are pretty much useless around here because street names change on practically every block and street signs are not normally displayed. I drove around on all of the main streets to no avail. I had exactly 10 minutes before the post office closed. I took a few random turns here and there, gravitated toward anything that was bright yellow since that's the post truck color, and accidentally happened upon the post office! I quickly ran inside, handed the lady my ticket and passport. She came out with my package, I signed the slip, and I was on my way out. YES!!! Finally!!! My birth control!!! No more horrible periods!!! Not to mention, no more disgusting breakouts! I felt like I was saved!!!

I had spoken to my host dad previously about having one of his friends administer the injection. He has a lot of friends in the medical field and assured me that they'd have no problem with it. Everyone was extremely busy though and I didn't want to bother them so I told Andréa about the situation. He immediately told me that if I didn't want to wait that I could see his grandmother's nurse. His grandmother has Alzheimer's and has a nurse come over every day and night. 

I made sure that it was okay with his grandparents and the nurse before I headed out to Marseille. I was impatient and wanted to get this extra Progestin in my body as quick as possible. 

When we arrived at Andréa's grandparents' house, his mom Joelle and step-dad Albert were already there. They visit every night which I think is very sweet. When the nurse got there, she didn't ask any questions. She didn't even want to see my negative pregnancy test. She just told some jokes, asked me where I wanted the injection, and quickly administered it. She made me feel so comfortable and that was one of the least painful injections I think I've ever gotten. 

We walked out laughing with each other. I finally felt relief! I know that with habitual Depo users fertility normally doesn't return for about two years but I'm paranoid when it comes unplanned pregnancies. I haven't had much fun lately due to this fear. But finally, I get to have some lovin' again ;-)

I sat back down at the table with Andréa, his mom, step-dad, and grandparents. His grandmother looked at me a lot. She had curiosity in her eyes but I also saw love. I had never met that woman before but the way she looked at me made me feel like she already loved me. Joelle and Albert introduced me to her as Andréa's fiancé. I wonder if that had anything to do with it. I haven't seen Alzheimer's since my days of working at the hospital but I remember each case I came across. They're all different. It was sad to see her in that state but she gets visitors every night and her husband is her main caretaker. I'm so impressed that he didn't take the easy way out. Most people just send their sick parents to a nursing home. I hate that! Your parents changed your diapers and fed you, why can't you do the same for them? When I saw the grandparents kiss, I got teary eyed. That's true love. They've been together for 60+ years. I can only hope that Andréa and I can be that strong.

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