Saturday, March 23, 2013

Jeudi, 14 Mars 2013: Preparations for Spain

I've been spending all day packing for my week-long trip with Andréa and his mom's side of the family. I'm normally the girl traveling with one backpack but the weather in Spain is predicted to be somewhat bi-polar while we're there. I've packed one bag for my dresses and tops and my backpack is filled with technology, underwear, bathing suits, socks, and shoes. I will be wearing the one pair of jeans I'm bringing. That's not too bad for 5 day all-weather wear, right???

As usual, I tried to get the house in complete order before I left. By the time I was ready to pick up the kids, everything was spic and span. Once the kids got home there were already marks on the freshly mopped floor. Agh!!! This annoys the shit out of me!!! If Céline would make the kids take turns cleaning the floors, they'd never make a mess on it ever again. That's Mama Xaynhasone--Lesson 101. I know how I will and will NOT be raising my kids because of my own mother. She's a crazy one but she's taught me a lifetime of lessons.

I had spoken to Céline and Didier earlier about prospective modes of departure for my trip. I could have driven to Marseille Friday morning after dropping the kids off at school and left my car there for the whole week. I knew this option would be less preferable to my host parents due to property left and vandalism in France's second biggest city, so I made a proposition. I told my host parents that I would double-check that the house was in complete order, get all of the kids bathed and pajama ready so that Andréa could come pick me up before work tonight. This way, I get to leave my car within the safety of our gates and they wouldn't have to worry. They were both all for it so by 20h00 I was on my to Marseille with Andréa.

On the way to Andréa's place I was a bit silent. I just kept thinking that I was getting ready to spend 5 days non-stop with this guy and I've never loved anyone more, but...I kept wondering if he would get on my nerves like everyone else does when you spend too much time with them...We'll see.

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