Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dimanche, 23 Juin 2013: PART I: Glanum

Andréa and I packed up and went down to have breakfast with the other wedding guests this morning. Zoë, one of the good kids, came and gave me a hug and a kiss. That was cute but I was still dead so I probably didn't show much appreciation. Once we finished eating, Laurent came and paid us and we were off. As we went to say goodbye to the newlyweds, Vincent who called me the nanny from Hell all day yesterday said hello to me. I just glared at him, snickered, and all of the kids behind us started laughing.

We got all of our bags together, got the car from the valet, and headed off toward the ancient Roman city, Glanum. I originally wanted to visit Nostradamus' old hauntings but we couldn't find any concise information on that. Glanum was cool. You get to see two structures for free...

The rest of the roman city are hidden behind mountains and ticket booths. Andréa and I made our way across the street and paid to see this ancient treasure. Well, I paid. He got in for free because he's under 25. The site was pretty cool! I really like history and enjoy artifacts so this really tickled my fancy. I never thought I'd get the chance to see something like this!

I was completely mystified by everything we came across. I wondered what life might've been like back in those days. When we saw everything that we could see, I asked Andréa for his camera so that I could ask someone to take a picture of us. He looked absolutely horrified and made excuses about the camera not working properly. He made such an argument out of it that I just let it go. I was upset, yes, because I know my time in France will soon end. I just want to get as many pictures with him as possible, as reminders of amazing things that we did together. Andréa asked if he could just take a picture of me, and you know, that's just not the same to me, so I declined. I realized then that he no longer understands me or my motives. How can a photographer not see? Maybe he was embarrassed because I'm such a photo-holic. But if he loves me like he says he does, then he should let me indulge in my hobbies, even if it does involve asking a million people to take our picture. I could see that Andréa was getting irritated and he started taking jabs at me, but I just didn't say anything. I didn't want the situation to escalate, especially after what happened last weekend. Strange though, that I came across this quote just minutes later. 

"The moment in which a woman no longer feels the need to argue with you anymore is the very moment in which she's decided she can do better." 

I think our time has passed.

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