Monday, June 10, 2013

Dimanche, 2 Juin 2013: Voice Overs

After yesterday's adventures, Andréa and I were so exhausted we spent the entire night in bed. Today was no different. We were still worn out for some reason. It must've been that wind! I was literally pushed 3 feet in Martigues!!! 

Sundays are traditionally a movie day for us anyway so Andréa chose something he thought would make me laugh. He ended up putting on The Back-up Plan which stars Jennifer Lopez. The movie had a complete opposite effect on me. I didn't even chuckle! It wasn't because the story wasn't humorous. It was because Andréa had put on the French version with dubbed voices. I didn't have any trouble understanding the content as my French comprehension has moved along gracefully. It's only that J-Lo is just not funny with someone else's voice!!! Not only that, but the French translation was absolutely pitiful! I watched the original version when I got home tonight and it's absolutely hilarious! The lines in the French version were completely changed and made J-Lo's character sound weak and needy whereas she's strong and independent in the American version. I wonder if that has anything to do with the French's view on women? Whatever it is, it annoyed me! I hate that feeble image of women...It really skews how strong we really are--inside and out! Maybe I'm a feminist in a way, but geez, you all really need to watch the French version to see what I mean. They really make J-Lo's character out to be pathetic! And no, not in a funny way. 

I'm also growing weary of all of the French people that keep telling me they love this actor or that actress. Rarely do they ever watch the original version of any movie. I suppose I don't really understand since most movies are made in my native language.  I'm so blessed that I don't have to deal with any film alterations. But even I watch foreign movies in their original version...with English subtitles of course. I can't believe that anyone is a fan of any actor who hasn't heard their real voice! The biggest part of an actor's charm is their ability to act through their voice and for the viewers to be able to recognize it from any other. This is one of my biggest pet peeves in France, all of the false proclamations of admiration for actors! Because of this, I decided to test out a theory tonight. I asked each of the kids who their favorite actors were. They each declared their undying love for several actors and actresses which all happened to be American or British. I then played interview and/or movie clips featuring each actor or actress. After listening to the clip each kid LITERALLY said 'who's that???' And then my host dad shot me down when I said that Judy Dench is an amazing actress. Though he speaks perfect English, Didier too has never seen Judy Dench act with her own voice. CASE. AND. POINT!!!

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