Monday, June 10, 2013

Samedi, 1 Juin 2013: Vieux Miramas, Martigues, St. Blaise

Today was mini-trip day so Momo, Andréa, and I were together. Our first stop was Miramas le Vieux which is another medieval village here in France. When we arrived, there was literally no one. It must've been the violent gusting wind. Like most other medieval villages, this one was built atop a hill so the wind was quite fierce! Vieux Miramas is much smaller than Vieux Castellet. There are also no shops to divert your attention around every corner. The three of us were able to enjoy the town without distraction. Though because village was so small, we were out of there in about 30 minutes. 

Lunch time was coming near and the up-hill climb at Vieux Miramas ate up all of our calories so our next stop was Martigues. Apparently, there is a kebab shop here that is voted #1 for the entire Bouches-du-Rhone region. The fast-food joint is called Nefertiti. Momo, Andréa, and I searched and searched for the place but to no avail. None of the locals knew where it was and the Google directions led us nowhere. We ended up eating at another kebab resto where our empty bellies were fully satisfied. Martigues was another cute beach town. The architecture is much older here than the other towns I've visited in France though. There must've been a festival in the works because there were a bunch of interesting structures in the water.

Our last visit of the day was the St. Blaise archaeological site. St. Blaise is famous because it dates back to a time before Christ. I'm awful with names and dates but I still love and appreciate history. Unfortunately though, the site was closed down due to the wind so we hiked around the area instead. Momo, Andréa, and I had a decent 45 minute hike before we found ourselves back at the parking lot. It would've been cool to see all of the archaeological findings but we can always try again another time.

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