Monday, June 17, 2013

Samedi, 8 Juin 2013: The Mysterious Best Friend

Let's get one thing straight. Andréa has a million best friends. He's the type of person that will call someone his best friend forever if they were ever close at one point and even if they no longer keep in touch. I'm the type of person that has a best friend in every city I've lived in, and I have different best friends for different periods of my life. Sure, there are some that I don't talk to for months and re-connect with, feeling as if we never parted. Those are my steady best friends, like my bro Ian back home or my girl Smokey who I went to college with. 

Andréa told me about his best friend Laura when we first started dating--probably because she was the only friend he had a picture of at his apartment. I kind of expected to meet her immediately but I met Manon, Jezebel, Damien, Benjamin, Nicolas, and Thomas first. Since Andréa and I have been together, he hasn't seen Laura at all. Apparently, this is due to scheduling problems on both ends. I finally begged Andréa to make it happen. I wanted to at least meet her before I leave France. If she's the best of his best girl friends then I would assume she would be invited to the wedding. It'd be kind of inappropriate if I only met her there, no? 

Anyway, Andréa invited Laura out last weekend but she said she couldn't make it because she was going out on a date. He invited her to dinner last night but she couldn't make it because her friend screwed herself over on an exam. I felt like all of these reasons were excuses not to see me so I made it known to Andréa that I lost interest in meeting her. Andréa told me that it's because Laura is just 'too shy.' Damn, I know I'm kind of intimidating but honestly, I'm really nice. I'm the type of person that will like anyone until they give me a reason not to like them. And avoiding me is almost a reason. 

I don't know what Andréa did or if Laura just ran out of excuses but she agreed to meet us for lunch today. I was dreading the meeting because I was afraid we would all just sit in silence since she's so timid. Surprisingly, she spoke--a lot. It was me that was quiet. I intently listened to the two of them converse. It's sure that they haven't been keeping in touch due to the constant exchange of updates. I like Laura a lot! She talks a lot of smack to Andréa which amuses me. She's also super intelligent and has her life in order, unlike another BFF of Andréa's. I really wish Manon would have invited Laura to Andréa's birthday like I had asked her to. I feel like Laura and I click much more than Manon and I. We're on the same wavelength. Maybe both of us being half Vietnamese has something to do with it. Anyway, I hope to see her again and I hope that she stays in touch with Andréa because Lord knows I can't keep the boy grounded all by myself!!!

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