Monday, June 24, 2013

Samedi, 15 Juin 2013: PART I: The Hike

Andréa woke me up a little before noon today. I was perfectly content in bed so I tried to stay in it as long as possible. When I finally got a bit of energy, I got up and got ready for the day. Andréa led me down to the private beach next to the apartment complex. It was cute, but nothing special. He then showed me a huge, winding stairway up the side of a cliff that we were apparently supposed to climb. I had wanted to go hiking while we were in Bandol but A.) It had only been about a week since I twisted my ankle and even though it no longer hurt, it still gets worn out with too much activity, B.) It was noon, the hottest time of the day. If you want to hike, you need to start before 9am honestly. But again, Andréa's probably never actually been hiking. Otherwise, he would've known that. 

The two of us started the climb and I immediately got tired. The man-made wood/rock stairs were tight and extremely steep. Only a quarter of the way up, I slipped on a mossy rock and accidentally turned my bad ankle too far. This is when I decided I was done but Andréa taunted me, saying 'you're the one that wanted to hike.' Um...Yeah...I said that a week ago. He annoyed me so I gave him a bit of a tongue-lashing before I kept on going up the cliff. My ankle hurt pretty bad but I wasn't going to let him make me feel like a wuss. This is when he stopped and just sat on a rock. He was sulking because I yelled at him. I was halfway up the cliff before I noticed. I just yelled his name and kept going. He was the one pestering me. If I was going to do this ridiculous hike on a sprained ankle, he was going to do it too. He immediately got up and followed, slowly. I waited for Andréa when I got to the top of the cliff. When he finally got to the top, he passed right by me without looking at me and kept going. He was obviously not done pouting yet so I let him fly off. I decided to take a little pause by a hidden, scenic view. I didn't tell him I was stopping, I just let him keep going. I thought he needed alone time. 

I stood on the edge of the cliff, cushioned by shrubs that kept me from falling off. I breathed in the hot sea air and took in the gorgeous view. A few minutes passed by before I heard Andréa huffing and puffing behind me. He was pissed! I kind of just brushed it off and said "Hey, look! This is a perfect view for your pictures! Take some!" and I just walked away. This is when I got yelled at. I listened to what he had to say and that somehow just made me laugh my tush off. I don't know what it is about French guys but when they get mad, it's kind of comedic. There's just so much drama! I'm more of the silent type when I'm in a bad mood. 

I walked on as Andréa was having his scream fest and just kept laughing to myself. About a minute later, I felt someone grabbing my hand and interlocking their fingers with mine. I looked to my right and it was Andréa. We both just looked at each other and roared with laughter. Our arguments are so stupid most of the time and it's normally due to miscommunication. We end up yelling at each other and during this time we get out how we feel. For example, when I yelled at him the first time, he found out that my ankle was bothering me and that was the reason I didn't want to hike. When he yelled at me, I found out that he only wanted to do the hike because I was so persistent the week before and that he was worried when he couldn't find me. I guess in the sense of arguments, ours aren't bad. Although we have had two exceptions that I will never forget. I learned in my psych class long ago that couples that dispute moderately have a better chance of success than couples who don't fight at all. Apparently, if you agree on everything then someone's lying because one or both person's needs/wants/expectations aren't being met. I think I'm okay with these little arguments from time to time, as long as they always end like this.

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