Monday, June 10, 2013

Mercredi, 5 Juin 2013: Hoop Accidents

Krystle made us lunch again today. She takes good care of me :-) We had gone shopping yesterday and she bought ingredients to make fried green tomatoes--one of my favorite southern dishes! We couldn't exactly find green tomatoes but there were some European black tomatoes. Krystle served the fried tomatoes with a hearty salad. I love her salads...Lunch was absolutely divine! Eating food like this really makes me miss home though. There are just some foods you can only do right in certain parts of the world, but Krystle is great at improvising. The girl's been living in Europe for 8 years.

The two of us went to the park afterward to take advantage of the sun. Krystle has Scleroderma which affects circulation in the body so we try to encourage each other to be outside. Her apartment is always so cold, even if it's scorching hot out. Being in warm surroundings generally helps lessen the effects of the disease. We often go to the park to hoop as we soak up some vitamin D. I got Krystle into hoop dancing recently and she's been quickly progressing as she has a lot of time to focus on it. I, however, basically stopped when I moved to France. I was never as dedicated as she was, but I knew a few decent tricks. Though I've been consistently hooping since I've been living in Europe, I've stopped doing tricks due to lack of interest. Krystle re-awoke the hooper inside of me though so I decided to pull out a few stunts. I decided to start out by jumping into the hoop as it was moving and my timing was completely off. Your timing should change with different hoop sizes and weights. I was cocky--thinking hooping was like riding a bike. News flash. It's not! My left foot hit the hoop as it was going around so I lost my footing. My foot slid off of the hoop and landed on the grass sideways with my ankle popping out of its socket. And boy, did I hear a pop!!! I immediately dropped to the ground in excruciating pain and laid there for a few minutes while holding a semi-cold can of Coke to my ankle. I'm surprised I didn't cry with how painful it was. Andréa met the two of us at the park soon after. I decided to leave the hooping up to Krystle and hang on the blanket with my boyfriend. I'm officially a retired hooper!!! I think I'm ready to pass my hoops onto the kids now...

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