Sunday, June 9, 2013

Lundi, 27 Mai 2013: Promenade des Bords de L'Arc

I expected to run after I dropped Gregoire off at the creche like I always do alone but today, Didier asked me if we could take a jog/walk together. I happily waited until noon to take a stroll with him. We headed straight down to the promenade after the tasty lunch he prepared for the two of us.

When we got to the trail which was situated next to a creek, the two of us walked together for a bit before Papa told me that I could run. He told me he needed to be back home in about 40 minutes so I took off immediately. I ran for twenty minutes straight, found a hula hoop in a junk pile, and turned around--seeing him on the way back. Didier was on the other side of the creek so I ran as fast as I could to the next bridge and tried to find him. Oddly enough, he was nowhere to be seen so I searched for another bridge to cross thinking he went looking for me. By the time the 40 minutes was up, I had searched the entire 2 km terrain twice through. When I got tired, I walked back to the car, only to see that it was still there--without Didier in it. I waited by the car for about 10 minutes before going back to the trail. I was about five minutes down the promenade before I saw Didier rushing toward me. He had gotten lost, ha haha. Poor pops :-( I can see how that would easily happen as there are so many trails! There are also a ton of obstacles and bridges to cross. They sure knew how to make walking challenging here!

Papa and I speed-walked back to the car and he rushed us back home. He was expecting a business call. As soon as we got home, I got a message that brought me a bit of joy. Lauren found us a house! Lauren is one of my best friends back home. We decided awhile back that we would live together once I got back from France and she's been searching for the last few months, taking the responsibility upon herself. The house she found is close to both of our jobs back in Harrisonburg so we can walk there everyday. This is especially helpful since I sold both of my cars when I moved to France. The house is blue with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Our third roommate is Herminio which is an old friend of mine. His little sister was my best friend when we were younger and we re-connected when I moved back home after college. The three of us will be able to live together harmoniously I think. We're all pretty laid back, organized, and clean. I've never really lived with friends before so it might be a bit weird at first. My roommates Caitlin, Vince, and Meagon from college were all random but we all fell in love with each other and lived together for three years. If you didn't read my previous posts about my college roomies, then I have to let you know that Meagon and I were in Caitlin and Vince's wedding and that we're all still good friends. I have no doubt in my mind that I will grow closer to Lauren and Herminio this year, and I'm looking forward to it!

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