Thursday, January 3, 2013

Vendredi, 28 Decembre 2012: The Best Friend

Friday was pretty uneventful until evening came. I was going to O'Shannons to meet Andréa's best friend and another good friend. I was an hour late because I couldn't find any parking. It was a busy night for Aix! I felt so bad for making everyone wait. Andréa gave me shit about it for a bit before he let up, lol. I had been late the previous time we hung out too so he says I now owe him two extra hours at any given time. 

Back to Andréa's girl friends...Yes, girls. I'm not surprised that his best friends are girls. He's just like me. All of my closest friends are guys, except for a few select females. Manon is his best friend--gorgeous, super friendly, and spunky. Jezebel is visiting for the holidays. She is also beautiful but more timid--though it's probably due to the fact that she doesn't speak any english.

Kami and Danny met up with us while Mark, Loukas, and their pals were sitting at the next table. I kind of spent a lot of time talking to the Americans and Cypriots because it didn't seem like Andréa's friends had much to say and I really couldn't think of much to say either. Andréa tried to make an effort though and broke the ice. He told Manon she had to practice her english with me. We engaged in conversation for awhile--switching from english to french to franglais. Manon speaks english very well! But she says she's shy about it. That's how I feel when I speak french but you don't learn if you don't make mistakes. We all sat there and chatted for a bit even though it was difficult hear over all of the commotion. Then we all watched as Manon blew some creepy guy off. He had followed her to the bathroom and then back to the table. Agh...French

We ended up going to Scat Club not long after. Kami and I had planned on dancing the night away. It was dead when we got in there as it normally is around 23h00. We ran into Jen who was with her boyfriend who is visiting from Virginia. We all got drinks but it was only me, Kami, Danny, Jen, and her boyfriend who were dancing. I tried to get Manon, Jezebel, and Andréa to dance but they kind of just planted themselves against the wall. They left a little before 01h00 I think, right before the entire club got packed. I felt so bad because I really didn't talk to them after O'Shannons. Girls typically bond over random things like dancing and I honestly expected to see them out there on the dance floor with us, but Andréa said it wasn't their scene. It was nice of them to stay at least. That shows a lot about their character. I like people like that. Manon and Jezebel left first and Andréa stayed behind to give me a proper goodbye. We walked out into the hall and I pushed him up against the wall, kissed him like I would never see him again, and let him go. Ha haha.

I liked his friends overall. They're super nice and seem completely sincere. They look like they could be fun but we'll have to discover together what type of fun they're into. You all know that I can be amused doing anything and everything so I'm sure we'll get along great. Hopefully I'll see them again soon!

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