Saturday, January 5, 2013

Mardi, 1 Janvier 2013: New Year's Resolutions

As continued from the previous post...

Everyone was entirely too drunk to drive or even walk home so 6 of us were posted in Krystle and Sebastien's living room. Two guys were sharing one couch, one guy slept on a loveseat, Danny took one of the air mattresses and Andréa and I 'slept' on one air mattress together. I had taken a caffeine pill earlier that night so I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. I just got into a comfortable position and listened to everyone breathe, for three hours...Oh My Goodness. This would've been a complete nightmare except for the fact that I was in Andréa's arms. Every time he would 'wake up' he would kiss me, so cute...

I watched the clock change, minute to minute. It was difficult to avoid since I was facing it. Around 7h30, I decided to go to the bathroom and watch the sun come up. It was raining so it proved to be pretty lame. Fifteen minutes later I went back out to the living room and Andréa pops his head up. I tell him we need to go and he just tells me to come back and cuddle. I couldn't say no to that so I got back in bed with him and stayed put for about another fifteen minutes. At 8h00, I wake Danny up and we head out the door.

We dropped Danny off first and headed back to my house together. It took a ton of convincing but he ended up staying. Andréa was so unbelievably tired, you could see it just looking at him. He didn't have any caffeine pills ;-) We walked into the dining room together where Didier was already sitting. I go right up to him and say "Dad, I want him to get a few hours of sleep before he drives home." Didier takes one look at him, his visage becoming seriously concerned and says "Yes! Of course!" Didier must have been pretty worried because anytime one of the kids made a peep upstairs, he told them to be quiet.

I lead Andréa into my room, tuck him into bed, and get in the shower. When he wakes up a few hours later, I've done 3 loads of laundry and ironed 2 baskets of clothes. He still looked exhausted when he woke up but he insisted on leaving so I let him, even though I didn't want him to go. He took dad's offer of a second espresso though to stick around a bit longer. This appeased me somewhat.

I didn't sleep after Andréa left. As all of Antoine and Nicholas' friends' moms came by to get them, there was a lot of commotion so I didn't even try to go to bed. After all of the teenagers except for ours were gone, Céline's mother, sister, brother-in-law, and their three children came by to visit. They were all curious about Andréa so I showed them his facebook profile and they regarded in awe. I got approvals from all sides of the table, even Bonne Maman :-)

Céline's family left a few hours later as I was making dinner for the boys. I ate dinner with Antoine, Nicolas, and Gregoire and finally went to bed...Only to get up a few hours later to Skype with Andréa who I decided I missed terribly. I was half-dead talking to him and Danny so around 1h00, I was officially knocked out.

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