Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lundi, 7 Janvier 2013: J'ai dit...F#%&!!!

Gregoire woke me up at 1h36 this morning, crying and SCREAMING! "Maman!!! MAMAN!!! MAAAAMAAAAANNNN!!!!" It scares the crap out of me when he does this. It didn't take him long to go back to sleep after I told him he had no choice. Because of this disturbance in my sleep though, I was exhausted after taking him to the day care. I did about two loads of laundry, folded, and ironed it all before I laid down for a nap--a FOUR hour nap!!! I tried getting up after an hour or two but I still felt dead so I went back to sleep. I threw the last load of clothes in the dryer before I went and picked up the triplets and Gregoire.

The kids were alright today. Camille was dumped by her boyfriend Victor for an American girl she's friends with. She tried to be strong for me but she ended up breaking down and crying. She'll find out later in life that relationships get much more difficult. I said the usual "There's plenty of fish in the sea" which she didn't really understand. I followed that up with "un perdu, dix de rétrouvés." She understood this well and relaxed. 

Nothing else happened until I was on my way home with all four of the kids. Baptiste had been spitting on everyone in the backseat for play. He ended up spitting a huge loogie in my freshly-washed hair and it pissed me off so much that I went off on him. When he said he didn't understand what I was saying I just said "J'AI...DIT...FUCK!!!!" I knew he actually understood but was playing dumb. I was just so absolutely disgusted with him and with what he did that I just stopped speaking. When he got the drift that I was super mad, he stopped talking, stopped moving, everything. Everyone in the car was silent except for Léa who continuously tries to diffuse the situation by asking really stupid questions. In the midst of one of her ridiculous demands, I just turn to her (ALMOST Linda Blair style), glared at her, and said "Stop!" And that's all I had to do. 

When we got back to the house Léa said to me "Mélinda...Baptiste ne veux pas que tu dis à maman de lui."--> 'Melinda....Baptiste doesn't want you to tell mom about him.' I turn the car off and just say "J'ai déja dit. C'est ta fault Baptiste. Le prochaine fois, tu ne vas pas faire comme ca." --> 'I already told her. It's your fault Baptiste. The next time, you're not going to do that.' He just lets out a little 'Oui' and we all walk into the house together. 

I continue to ignore all of the kids for the next hour or so, hiding in my room, folding clothes until Baptiste comes in and asks fake questions as if he needs something. He then completes his exit by saying "Et, désolé pour...dans la voiture...Je t'aime" --> 'And, sorry for...in the car...I love you' and gives me a big kiss before walking out with his head down. I grab him really quick and give him a kiss back. Kids hate it when you're mad at them. It makes them uncomfortable. But really, he's 10 and that behavior will never be okay. He's past that age...

1 comment:

  1. Dear Melinda

    My name is Meri and I work for the language portal http://bab.la.

    True to our five year long tradition, we at bab.la Gmbh are hosting the IX-competition to find the 100 most exciting, inspiring, open-minded bloggers write about international exchange and experience. It would make us very happy if you decide to participate in "IX13" (International eXchange and eXperience 2013)

    Please email me for more information on the competition under meri[at]bab.la

    All the best!
