Monday, January 28, 2013

Samedi, 19 Janvier 2013: Meet The Parents

Krystle's birthday party was last night. It was a costume party. Though I came fully decked out--crazy contacts and all, she decided that my costume wasn't good enough so she dressed me up to be a sexy librarian--though I really just looked like a hooker. She made Andréa into what looked like a cheap car salesman, ha haha. We still looked like we were meant to be together after the transformation, ha haha. 

Andréa and I went back to Marseille after the party and crashed at his place. We were supposed to have lunch at his mom's house so we didn't sleep in too long. I used to be nervous about meeting his mom but that all kind of died after he bombed me on Skype and put me face to face with his mother. He still invited Manon to lunch so that I would feel more comfortable. His mom and her boyfriend are super nice. They were extremely welcoming to me. I tried my best to understand all of the conversations but I ended up getting lost most of the time because they forgot they were speaking too fast. 

The meal was absolutely superb! If you're my friend, you know I love to eat! The best way to my heart is through food ;-) We started out with Screwdrivers for apertifs and little hors-d'oeurves for appetizers. I discovered a new favorite cheese! Montenebro! If you're a fan of fromage--you've got to try this!!! We had Raclette for lunch. This was my first time eating it with hard-boiled eggs. I must say, this was an exceptional meal. It's like they knew me already. But really, I'll eat anything and enjoy it as long as it's not insects.

We all got kind of cozy after lunch and a little more personal. How embarrassed do you think I was when my boyfriend's mom came into the dining room with an 8x10 color picture of me??? Andréa said his family was crazy but I couldn't even fathom this. I must have turned into a million shades of red...Not only had she not met me yet, but she scoured Facebook using her daughter's account to find a picture of me which she printed out. When I realized how endearing it was, I relaxed. Ha haha. Thinking back on it now. It's super cute that she cares so much about the girl that makes her son happy :-) I'm just going to have to make sure Andréa gives her a better picture of me--one that he took.

Around 16h30 we took off. We had to get back to Andréa's apartment so that I could grab my stuff for Morocco!!! I have been waiting for this trip since I booked it in October so I was more than ready, though it was sad to leave my Boo. Manon accompanied us to the airport. They both walked me in. When we got to the security check I could see Andréa getting emotional. I gave Manon a big hug and kiss and then moved in to comfort the love of my life. I didn't really know what to say because I knew it wasn't really goodbye but I knew Manon would be there to help.

Andréa and Manon left and I got in line for security. Sara, Kami, and Molly took the bus from Aix so I decided to wait for them in the lounge after I was cleared. The girls were about 20 people behind me so they arrived not long after I did. When we got to the waiting room, we found out that our flight was already delayed. A little while longer, we found out that it was on a 3 hour delay. And after that 3 hour delay, we found out that our flight was totally cancelled due to weather. We were all super upset, especially after waiting so long, but we were all transferred on the flight flying out the next day. 

I called Andréa immediately. The phone must have rung once before he picked it up, lol. He was at the airport just 20 minutes later :-) When we got back to his apartment, Andréa told me that he had been drinking because he was stressed about me leaving. He is so cute!!! At least we got one more night with each other ;-)

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