Sunday, January 27, 2013

Mercredi, 16 Janvier 2013: The Lice Epidemic

Wednesday was an unusually busy day. I had started painting another batch of closet doors. I wanted to get these done before I left for Morocco so I kind of did a shoddy job. They look pretty good though, if you're going for the shabby/chic look but we're aiming for clean and modern. These doors are half the size of the other ones I painted last week but it's still a tedious job. 

I picked Baptiste up from soccer practice around 18h00 and found my poor boy to be frozen like a popsicle. It was such a cold evening and the kid still had practice. Good thing the car was already heated by the time we got in it, not that it helped much. He stayed in the car while I got some groceries for dinner that night. I knew we were having burgers so I stopped at a Casino to grab some cream cheese so I could have my burger Jack Browns' style. I also got some cute little cubes of cheese made by Laughing Cow, they come in multiple flavors per carton. This box in particular had herbed tomato, bleu cheese, and ham flavored cheese nuggets. This is probably one of my favorite snacks. Baptiste felt a little bit better after he put something in his stomach. I felt somewhat relieved when he was laughing again.

All of the kids were home by 19h30. At this time I grabbed each head and combed through the hair to see if anyone had lice. It seems to be a huge problem in this household but the only reason why it hasn't been eradicated yet is because treatment isn't being administered when the triplets are at their dad's house. Apparently all the kids at their schools have it too, though I don't believe that. I found lice on all of the triplets' heads so I commenced with the shampoo. They all fussed but I told them I didn't care. I told them in really bad french "This is disgusting and I don't want to do it. But I'm doing it because I love you. You're going to high school next year...Any questions?" That shut them right up and they happily sat still while I massaged the shampoo through each strand of their hair and pulled all of the bugs out with a fine tooth comb--for hours. They didn't even argue when I told them that I would be administering treatment every day until I saw zero lice. I made sure to have a discussion with Céline and Didier tonight about how this is getting out of control. They both agreed and Céline made sure to send the triplets' father a message about keeping up with treatment.

I told the triplets that they are no longer allowed to lay in my bed or use my hair ties. I freaked out a bit tonight though when Léa rested her head on my shoulder. I kind of just shuddered and said "No! Tu ne peux pas rester comme ça. Les poux!!!" She recoiled with a sad face, but she seemed to understand. I don't want the kids to think that I don't love them but this is seriously gross. It's beyond gross. My mom found lice on my sisters' head when we were younger. She didn't even think twice. She just shampooed everyone's hair for a week even after she didn't find any lice. And that's what I'm going to do with these kids...At least I'll know how to handle this if I ever have children.

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