Monday, January 21, 2013

Vendredi, 11 Janvier 2013: Secrets

You all already know that Camille, one of the triplets is a hyperchondriac. She's always claiming she's sick so finally Céline allowed her to stay home from school. She asked for a packet of Smecta for her stomach in the morning, but for the rest of the day she ate a monstrous amount of crap. Not only did she eat the lunch that I made and had seconds and thirds, but she also had ice cream, and an entire bag of American candy. She planted herself in front of the TV the entire day while I was doing laundry, painting, cooking, and cleaning. I'm sure anyone who's ever had kids can tell when your child is actually sick, and she is a fraud. As much as I love her, she is a faker.

I was supposed to pick the kids up from school and take Baptiste to soccer practice tonight but my car was totally dead. None of the lights were on and there is no other obvious reason why the battery would be drained. I didn't wait too long to call Céline because I wanted Baptiste to get to practice on time, but he never made it. By the time Céline had picked Gregoire up from the creche it was already too late to make it to the field. It's so sad for me because I know how much he loves his soccer.
When the rest of the family arrived home this evening, I started getting ready for the night. Andréa, Vanessa, Caroline, and I were going to meet Steph and Ludo at Secrets--a discotheque in Plan de Campagne where the guys photograph. Steph had planned on picking us girls up because my car was out of order. Andréa arrived in Plan de Campagne on time, as he always does, but Steph hadn't left yet so the girls and I were still in Aix. His patience was getting low so he came to get us.
I came downstairs when Andréa said he had arrived. When I got into the car he was clearly irritated. And yes, I would be too if he was the one that was continuously late, but tonight, it had nothing to do with me. I didn't have any control over my car breaking down. I didn't have any control over when Steph would be coming to pick us up. I couldn't have made it to Plan de Campagne faster if I had wanted to. But when he told me that my lateness was starting to annoy him, it really struck a bad chord with me because it wasn't a situation that I had put myself in. I didn't speak to him during the car ride except to give him directions. When he put his hand on my lap, I pushed it away. When he tried to kiss me, I turned my head. That's just how I am when I'm in a bad mood. I just don't want to be touched. Him being upset made me upset. When he realized how sour his comment made me, he tried to take it back. But that doesn't work on me. When you say something to me, the deed is done. You can't change what you said, and you can't make me feel any better about it. I don't hold a grudge for long, but if you keep trying to fix it before I have time to process, I stay upset longer. When I realized he had a right to be upset even though it wasn't my fault this time, I got over it and kissed him for re-affirmation. We weren't allowed to kiss for two days due to his bug being contagious, so it was nice to be able to do that.
When we got to Secrets, Steph and Ludo were outside waiting for us. They had a short word with the bouncer and signaled the four of us to come in. Secrets is...okay...It's a pretty small space. The music was good, the people were questionable, the drinks were okay--but ridiculously expensive. Our bottle of Smirnoff vodka equipped with fireworks and "free" mixers was 80 euro. So between Vanessa, Caroline, and I it was about 25 euro which I would NEVER spend on a night out. I'm such a light weight that after two or three drinks, I'm good for the rest of the night. 

The theme this evening was Chippendales so there were two male dancers that came in. It's really not my scene. I thought they looked really gross--overly muscular and their expressions were just too pornstar-ish for my taste. Though the show was aimed toward girls, there were still a lot of guys there. Andréa hid at our table, ha haha. The night was fun overall, but I don't think I would ever go back. I'm the dancing type and there was just not enough room or energy for me to get my groove on and feel comfortable. 

Halfway through the night, the bouncer came up to us and said that Vanessa had to go outside and sober up a bit. She had pre-gamed with Caroline before we picked her up. By the time we got to the club, she was already drunk so buying that bottle of vodka probably didn't help matters too much. Steph and Ludo are friends with the bouncer so he allowed Vanessa to stay, for awhile anyway. Around 1h30 the bouncer came up to us and said that she had to go.
I wasn't about to leave Vanessa outside by herself and I was pretty much ready to go anyway so the four of us left together. Vanessa and Caroline were supposed to ride home with Steph but Andréa was kind enough to take the girls back to Aix. Overall, it was a good night but like I said earlier, I would never go back to Secrets. Visit it if you must but heed my words!!!

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