Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jeudi, 10 Janvier 2013: Moving Onward

I was fixated on getting the closet doors done so I immediately got to work after I dropped Gregoire off at the creche. I painted every little nook and cranny that wasn't completely covered before I headed to Estebelle for a waxing appointment that wasn't properly booked. Andréa had taken off the next two days to recuperate from his stomach bug so I went to Marseille to help nurse him back to health. We spent about five hours together before I had to go back to Aix to pick up the children.

When I got home, I got a message from one of my girlfriends from Virginia. I told her that I was looking at this one particular house for July when I move back home, but it was a four bedroom so I proposed that she be one of the roommates. Luckily for me, she's totally into the idea! Lauren is an awesome girl!!! It's almost impossible to meet someone as sweet and fun as her. I haven't known her much more than a year but she's such a great person with such a giving personality. She's all about making others happy as I am and is completely undramatic so I figured she would be a great roommate.  All of my roommates in the past have been random and I've been so lucky to have gotten along so well with all of them. I loved Caitlin, Vince, and Meagon so much that I lived with them for three years during college. We were so close-knit--they were my family away from home. Meagon and I were in Caitlin and Vince's wedding at the end of our time together in Indiana. Ah...Memories...Those three will always be in my heart. I hope that this upcoming year with Lauren, Herminio [maybe], and Andréa will be the same.
YES. Andréa is planning on coming back to the states with me :-) I told him in the beginning that I would be moving back home to work because I have an excess of student loans that I need to pay off before I continue my studies or even move on with my life. My bartending job at Jack Browns is like no other. I make such good money there that [if my calculations are correct] I could pay off all of my student loans within two years. If all goes well, Andréa will live in the states for two years and after I've paid back a significant amount of my student loans I will go back to France and make cute half-asian babies with him. Well, ONE baby. I only agreed to give him one child, ha haha. We're already looking up jobs and the process to obtain a visa for him now...Wish us luck!!!

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