Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lundi, 14 Janvier 2013: Rainy Days and Mondays

My car was still dead from the previous week so Didier and I went to a shop this morning to replace the battery. He gave my car a quick jump and I followed him with the baby in my Renault. The new battery was 105 euro, that is so expensive compared to America!!! The last time I replaced a battery in one of my cars was 2007 and that battery was $60. And yes, that same battery lasted 5 years until I sold my Tiburon. I'm sure it's still working without issue now. I hate how expensive everything is in France but it's part of the experience. 

The rest of Monday was pretty uneventful. I did my rounds and picked up all of the kids from their schools, ate dinner with the whole family and then passed out reasonably early because I had to be up by 3h00 to take Maggie to the airport. Yes, my dear Maggie is going back to Philly permanently.

I was at Maggie's apartment by 3h30. She and Kami met me downstairs by the door. I followed them upstairs to help with the suitcases--all SIX of them. Ha haha. I came to France to stay for a year with only one suitcase and one bookbag...It was a good thing I didn't let Maggie take the bus because I don't know who would be there to help her with all of her bags that early in the morning. Plus, I couldn't let her leave France forever without anyone seeing her off.

We had a bit of trouble with all of the technicalities at the airport but after a few fees, Maggie made it to the security check. It was sad to see her go. But she's moving onto the next chapter of her life. 

I almost killed Kami again on the way back to Aix. It's always with my driving. The first time while driving on the tram tracks in Nice. The second time when we were dropping Danny off at the airport and I drove the wrong way in a bus lane. And this last time, I took a sharp curve at about 100km/hr because the lanes were unmarked. Jeez...I've gotta get this driving on point! Lol. People are going to think I'm the stereotypical asian driver...NOT the case. Promis ;-)

Kami was probably making that same face as I whipped around that curve...Minus the excitement

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