Monday, January 28, 2013

Vendredi, 18 Janvier 2013: The Necessary Paperwork

Andréa told his parents he would be leaving for the states with me at the end of the summer. Eek!!! I know that's important information to share with your family but Oh la la...It stressed me out. I guess his parents are all for it except his mom is scared he won't find a job. So, I've started looking for him. Rosetta Stone, the language specialist's headquarters is in Harrisonburg where I'm from. I contacted a few friends that work there to see if they might have any ideas of where Andréa could be placed. I got a lot of positive answers which makes me hopeful. 

We've started looking into the process of the U.S. visa. The process is so intricate and tedious that it sounds nearly impossible without getting married. But...we're not ready yet. We know that we want to marry each other someday, but not now. Does that make sense to anyone? I know, for a FACT, that I am completely in love with Andréa and that he is my soul mate, but I want to wait until the time is more appropriate. I'm a stickler for old tradition so I enjoy a good, genuine courtship. I want to be able to spend time with my significant other, as a young, unmarried couple. People keep saying "Well, if you know you're going to do it anyway, why not do it now?" It's just not my style. Sure I rush into some things, but marriage is important to me and I want to take each step carefully and I want to be able to enjoy every moment up to and beyond the words "I do." 

Thinking about this reminds me of one line from Kelly Clarkson and Jason Aldeen's song Don't You Wanna Stay..."Let's take it slow I don't want to move too fast. I don't want to just make love, I wanna make love last."

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