Friday, December 28, 2012

Jeudi, 27 Decembre 2012: Le Manoir

I took the kids to centre ville after lunch today. We met up with Danny and visited some shops so that the kids could use their Christmas money. 

We shopped for about 2 hours with Danny before we had to start making our way out of town. We stopped at a shop on the way out of town for Antoine and Nicholas so that they could buy an electronic cigarette for their mom back in Avignon. It shouldn't have but this process took impossibly forever. The man that was ahead of us asked the most annoying, stupid questions any smoker would already know. And yes, he was buying everything for himself. The kids and I ended up waiting over a half an hour for this guy to just get the heck out. 

We finally made our purchase and I headed toward home. I dropped the kids off and chatted with Céline and Didier for awhile before I scurried out the door. I was late in meeting Andréa. Like, forty minutes late. I know. I'm a horrible, horrible person. But if that guy at the eCig store wasn't so ridiculous, I would've been on time. I also got lost, but that's another boring story. 

Andréa and I met at the park in Le Tholonet which is not much of a park at all. We ended up going to a tabac in Meyreuil that I pass all the time. This was an interesting experience for me. Tabacs are bars/tobacco dispensing/gambling facilities. You can buy lotto tickets here as well as bet on and watch races. It was so weird for me. I was one of two girls in a bar full of older men waiting for the results of a horse race. Andréa and I downed a beer before Krystle invited us over.

On our way to Krystle and Sebastien's, Andréa gave me a bit of info on his relationship history. His last girlfriend was asian, vietnamese in fact. I squealed in horror, agh...I know it shouldn't bother me, but it does. I can't help but feel like the only reason why he's attracted to me is because I'm asian. He tried to backtrack and explain that he's only been attracted to asian girls all his life, blah blah blah. I know there's nothing weird about that but I'm used to guys saying that I'm the only asian girl they've ever liked ;-) It's just like me only being attracted to white guys though. No different at all. I kind of sulked for a bit until I got over it. Bleh....

Krystle and I kind of did our own thing while Andréa and Sebastien bonded. They're both ethnically half italian and half spanish with french nationality.

It was time to go out and Krystle had said something along the lines of "It's going to be really difficult to get Sebastien to do anything." What she meant by that was that she didn't want him to come out and I thought she meant the complete opposite. I totally threw her under the bus by inviting her boyfriend out and insisting she wanted him there when in reality she didn't. They had a little spat before she left with Andréa and I. 

Andréa dropped me off at my car and headed back to Marseille while Krystle and I met up with Danny, Mark, Loucas, and a guy I can't remember the name of. We drank at O'Shannons before seeing a band at the Scat Club and finishing off at Le Manoir. It was here that I decided I no longer wanted to party because while Krystle and I were dancing, a guy grabbed me--insisting that we dance together with me just backing away. The troubles didn't stop there though, at some point Krystle and I were completely encircled by douche bags who were trying to rub their dicks on our asses. Ew...I had had enough so I called it a night...

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