Saturday, January 19, 2013

Mercredi, 9 Janvier 2013: Connection

Andréa had had an accident yesterday on his way back to Marseille so I was already worried about him. I was even more uneasy today when he told me he went to the doctor. Luckily, it had nothing to do with the accident. But, he was put on antibiotics so we weren't allowed any "bisous" for a few days. Merde! Oh well, I wouldn't have wanted to catch whatever bug he had anyway.

Since we didn't see each other today, we Skyped. He's always telling me that I'm beautiful and perfect...It's irritating when I know that I look like absolute crap but I still like hearing it at the same tie. I'm always saying "Arrete!" or "Stop!" and he always knows that I'm going to say that when he starts with the compliments so before I even say anything, he's already mouthing the words that are going to come out of my mouth. Ha haha. It's super cute, and hilarious :-) We've gotten to the point where we won't speak to each other for hours and message each other at the same time or finish each others' sentences. For this, Andréa has coined the term "connection." He originally called it "bluetooth" but I like "connection" better. Now those of you that are my Facebook friends know what those wall posts are all about. Ha haha.

Andréa is so cute! You all will be hearing a lot about him for awhile. I just find some of the things that come out of his mouth incredible...For instance, he told me "Tu es mon soleil..." Ahh!!!! So cute!!!! This is the type of romance that I need in my life. And it's the forever type of romance...I spent hours looking up pictures of half asian children so you know that this guy has changed my life. I didn't want children previously, but I'm sure I found the perfect guy for my life...And when you have that, and each other, you can have anything--including confidence in family life...

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