Sunday, January 27, 2013

Mardi, 15 Janvier 2013: Winter Wonderland

I didn't go back to sleep after I dropped Maggie off at the airport. Instead, I did two loads of laundry and ironed until everyone woke up for the day. When Céline and Didier got up at the crack of dawn, I had already finished all of the housework I had planned for the day. I was in the middle of my latté when they came upstairs.

When it was time for everyone to leave for work or school, we found that the roads were completely covered with snow! This was the first snow that actually stuck! Everything looked so beautiful but I was so scared of driving considering all of the hills. I had to go down a big hill when I drove Gregoire to the creche. No matter which route I took to get there, they all involved long, steep hills so I took the smallest one. The car slid...A LOT!!! And I freaked out, A LOT!!! It would be one thing to get into an accident alone, but with a baby in the backseat??? NO WAY!!! I waited until the first car got to the bottom of the hill before I started descending. Like I said, the car slid all the way down but I pumped the brakes lightly as we went down and we made it safely. I grew up in Virginia and went to college in Indiana so I know all too well how snow affects your driving. I've had a lot of practice. 

I was going to visit Andréa in Marseille today but the snow didn't let up until 14h00. I was running on empty by then since I didn't sleep after the airport so I decided to cancel. It was too dangerous to drive anyway so closed my shutters and slept until I had to pick Gregoire up from the creche at 18h00. I skipped dinner tonight and slept until the next morning...

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