Sunday, January 6, 2013

Vendredi, 4 Janvier 2013: Andréa the Babysitter

Andréa came to town around 17h00. He arrived sooner than I had expected because I passed him on my way to get gas. I told him I'd be back in a few minutes, and really, it should have only taken a few minutes...First I went to the ATM to withdraw some money for gas because my card doesn't always work at the stations. I ended up forgetting my card at the ATM and double-backing to retrieve it. By the time I got back to the ATM, I found a slip that said "carte oublié" but no card. The machine had "eaten" it for safety. I buzzed my way into the bank and approached a young male teller. I explained in poor french that I had forgotten my card in the ATM, when he said he couldn't do anything in broken english, I batted my eyes and said "Are you sure?" And that's all I had to do to get the ball rolling. He went into every office until someone came out. You would think that with your ID card ready it would just take a few minutes but this was an absolute fiasco! The bank manager had to go through this intricate process to get my card out of the ATM, then she had to copy my ID, have me fill out a form, call the bank headquarters to make sure my card wasn't de-activated, and then, and only then was I able to leave. 

I drove to the nearest gas station to fill up because I was literally running on empty. This car guzzles gas up so quickly and I barely drive anywhere. Good thing Céline and Didier pay for my gas, otherwise, I'd be broke. Anyway, the card didn't work at the first gas station, so I drove to a second, and then a third. The card finally worked at the Total gas station though it normally isn't accepted here. I filled my tank up and headed back to the house. When I got there, poor Andréa was still sitting in the car waiting for me--45 minutes later!!! This is the third time I've been late and it's always 45 minutes to an hour. He is so patient with me...Thank goodness. Though I know I can't keep doing this. I swear I'm not doing it on purpose. I'm otherwise very punctual...

Céline and Didier went to a party tonight so I was asked to babysit. Andréa decided to be my moral support so that he could spend time with me. He ended up basically feeding Gregoire, playing with him, and putting him to bed. Who's the au pair now? lol. I would've done it but Gregoire is totally enamored with Andréa. It's cute. Andréa is gung-ho on having kids some day. This showed me that he would be a good father. I never wanted to have children before but being with Andréa has made me interested in the idea. That's definitely new! And unexpected! Maybe I've found someone worth being a parent WITH. It's one thing to want kids, but honestly, you really have to find that perfect partner to make it all work--the way that I think it should anyway.

I basically cuddled with Andréa from 20h00 until mom and dad came home at 1h00. The party they went to was mustache-themed. Ha haha. Céline was so funny and super cute with her silver bowler hat and handlebar mustache! Didier looked like a bad ass with his huge mustache, even so, I couldn't take him seriously. The four of us chatted for a bit, ate some leftover brioche and gawked at some wild boars in the garden. Afterward, mom herded me and Andréa out the door because I was spending the weekend with him...To be continued ;-)

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