Saturday, January 19, 2013

Mardi, 8 Janvier 2013: "One must act in painting as in life, directly." - Pablo Picasso

From 10h00 to 21h00 (minus a three hour gap) I was painting. Painting what? All of the kids' closet doors. No, I'm not the next Picasso. I'm just determined. Céline had made sure to tell me that I didn't HAVE to do anything, but if I wanted to, that I could paint. I know that I'm never obligated to do anything but now that I'm not taking classes, I have much more time on my hands. I thought that painting would be fun and somewhat relaxing but after my mild OCD kicked in, it became a bit of a pain--especially after the 3rd door. There were 8 total...I started out with one coat of primer, but that didn't completely cover so I did a second. Then I moved onto the real painting. I ended up doing four coats on each side before I was completely satisfied. Oy vey...Sometimes I wish I could be one of those people that could half-@$$ jobs and just let it go. But noooooo...

The doors were originally an ugly brown color. Now they're a soft white which dramatically brightens up the rooms. This change seems to have affected the childrens' psyche. They spend much more time in their rooms and seem to be more cheerful--OR...this could just be a coincidence.

During the 3 hour painting break, Andréa came to visit. He texted me before he arrived and asked me to come downstairs. I wasn't sure why, but the suspense was killing me. When I saw his car pull in, I went outside. When he opened his door, I saw a baby-faced Andréa. It was so weird because he looks so much younger without his beard and with his hair shorter. I felt like a cradle-robber...He's already 3 years younger than me. Ha haha. After we went back inside, I found myself staring at him at random intervals--not because I thought he looked funny, but because he is just so damn handsome! I love being able to see his face.

Andréa had worked from 4h00 to noon so he was pretty beat. He watched me paint for awhile and I watched him watch me before I made him go lie down. I continued to paint for another 10 minutes before I went to check on him in my room. He's always uncomfortable at my host family's house because he doesn't want to impose but they absolutely adore him and I always ask maman for permission before he comes over. I eventually got him to lay down. I cuddled with him until he passed out. I ended up passing out too--only to be woken up by my own snoring. Ha haha. We chuckled together and I recommenced as big spoon. He was the only one asleep this time, and when I was sure of it, I snuck out of the room and went back downstairs to paint.

When Andréa woke up he came downstairs to find me. I had been blasting 90's pop hits and singing at the top of my lungs while painting so I was a bit embarrassed when I realized he was there. Ha haha. I put the roller down and went back upstairs with him for a bit. We sat on the couch together and cuddled with 98° and Mariah Carey playing on Grooveshark. When "Whenever You Call" played, I thought about the lyrics and how beautiful they were. It was already romantic, sitting there on the couch alone with Andréa in this humongous house so I decided to add a bit of a something to it. I explained to Andréa in french "This song is beautiful...If you understand the lyrics. She says 'I won't ever be too far to feel you.' " He just closed his eyes, dropped his head on my chest, and said "Sooo cute...." Ha haha.

As 17h15 rolled around, it was time for both of us to part ways. I was going to pick the kids up from school so he was going back to Marseille. We were both waiting at the stop light at the bottom of the hill when Andréa ran out of his car. I was so worried! I didn't know what was wrong! I rolled my window down as he came toward my car and yelled "quoi???" He replied with "nothing" and shrugged his shoulders. I must've looked bewildered but he gave me a quick kiss, and smiled before jumping back into his car. Ahhh!!!!!! I died with happiness inside. Not only do I love surprises, but cute surprises like that??? Oh la la...I really enjoy those moments when you start out feeling like something's wrong and you end up overwhelmed with happiness. Andréa is so perfect!!! If it's his goal to make me fall in love with him then he's already succeeded!!!

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