Friday, January 4, 2013

Lundi, 31 Decembre 2012: New Year's Eve

Céline went back to the office today so it was just me, Didier, and his three boys. I picked Danny up for lunch so I was the only girl. For lunch I made a curry, rice, and salad. It wasn't very innovative but I decided to use what we had. 

I took Danny home soon after so that I could start getting ready for the night. Fast forward a few hours...Andréa arrives in town and I con him into picking Danny up so that I could put the finishing touches on my look for the night. When they arrive, the house is already packed with a bunch of male teenagers. Antoine and Nicolas had invited four of their friend over for a little New Year's Eve get-together. Céline and Didier leave for dinner at a new sushi restaurant and I'm given the responsibility to make the boys pizzas. Mind you, the table is already loaded with a ton of toast topped with tapenade, salmon, tzatziki, etc...By the time I finish the second pizza, Antoine tells me to stop because they're full. On that note, I was able to leave.

Danny, Andréa, and I arrived at Krystle and Sebastien's party and everyone was separated as they normally are at the beginning of all of their parties. The French normally hang around on the couches while all of the Americans surround the food and alcohol. Ha haha. We eventually get drunk enough and feel comfortable enough to practice our french. By the time we started to mingle, Krystle turned on Just Dance 4 on the Wii as she always does. We ended up playing for the next FOUR hours!!! All of us!!! No kidding!!! Danny and Andréa who absolutely does NOT dance got up there together!!!

When midnight was just around the corner Krystle put on "The Final Countdown." She and I rocked it out of course, ha haha. Of course we looked like idiots as we normally do but that's half of the fun. As soon as the song finished and the clock struck midnight, I turned around, found Andréa, ran up to him and planted a humongous kiss on his lips. He's so freakin' cute. He just stood there and smiled, which of course made me smile. 

As soon as it was officially January 1st, everyone was back to knocking down drinks and playing Just Dance. By the time our night was over, it was 5h14. Coralie and Jeremy slept in the guest room while 3 french guys, Danny, Andréa, and I slept in the living room. I could not sleep for the life of me...This continues in the next blog entry...

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