Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dimanche, 6 Janvier 2013: Carry-le-Rouet

Pre-dawn Sunday was awful. I had had my first nightmare in what seems like years. I could dream about anything from falling to zombies, and I'm never scared. The only things I fear are subjects that are personal--like family. In my dream, Didier was in the hospital--hooked up to a ton of machines but walking around regardless. He was pacing around the hospital room with a pad of paper and pen because he was writing a letter to my family about our time together. The nightmare then cuts out to early the next morning. There were a bunch of nurses sitting in a circle chatting. One nurse said "So how's Didier doing today?" An older nurse who is knitting in a rocking chair then replies with "Well, didn't you hear??? He died last night!!!" Another nurse then says "No!!! He was my favorite patient!!!" I then heard myself saying "Are you being serious right now?!?" and then I start wailing, sobbing. I feel as if I woke up because I had heard myself crying out loud. The next thing I did after I realized where I was, was exclaim "OH SHIT!!!" I woke Andréa up. I don't know if he had heard me crying or not. I don't even know if I was actually crying out loud. Once he made sure I was okay, I made him turn around so that I could be big spoon. I clutched to him tightly and fell back to sleep this way. Andréa says that when you have a dream about someone dying, you actually add time onto their life. I was comforted by this...

I was half-asleep when Andréa came in later that morning. 

Andréa: 'Do you want coffee?'
Me: "Non. Merci."
Andréa: 'You don't want coffee?'
Me: "Non. Pourquoi?"
Andréa: 'Because I already made it.'
Me: "Oh, okay. No, I want coffee."
Andréa: 'Do you want tartines (toast)'?
Me: "No"
Andréa: 'No? Look.'

I look to my left and there's a cute tray with my espresso and toast on it...He is so damn cute that boy...I am one super lucky girl!!!

Andréa took me to Carry-le-Rouet today. We had lunch at his father's house. His father, Ferrari, is super sweet with an uplifting spirit. His girlfriend Chantal is more like me, more serious, or so it seems until you see their house. Everything is decked out in purple! Purple upholstery, purple decorations, purple tiles, placemats, plates. She even wore all purple! I'm surprised her asthmatic pomeranian Sucret wasn't died purple. I've never seen a place like that in real life. It reminded me of Problem Child 2 when Lavanda DuMore decorates the bachelor pad. If you can imagine it though, it was actually very pretty. The mixture of purples was done well. I don't know how she did it!

Note: This is not their kitchen. Just a good example of how it can be done well

We had lamb for lunch with fried potatoes. Oh my goodness, that lamb was so delicious but I was just so full. That is seriously the BEST lamb I've had my entire life! The flavors were just incredibly intricate! Ah...We had lime sorbet with vodka as a "digestif"/dessert. This concoction called "colonel" is supposed to make you feel less full. And actually, it really did work. If I am using my chemistry/biology studies correctly, maybe the alcohol dehydrates all of the food in your stomach--shrinking it in size.

Andréa took me on a tour of Carry after lunch. It was so beautiful and picturesque--just like all of the other coastal Mediterranean towns I've visited. So serene. Andréa is always asking me if I would consider moving to France permanently if he bought a house here, or if he bought a house there. Instead of saying no this time, I half-seriously/half-jokingly said 'yes.' This town is AMAZING!!! You would just have to see it to understand. Though I think I would be happy anywhere as long as Andréa was with me--except in a ghetto ;-)

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