Monday, January 21, 2013

Samedi, 12 Janvier 2013: O' Glam Rock

Gregoire's birthday party is on Sunday so Andréa and I came back from Marseille to help with the prep. Didier needed Andréa to help him move furniture around but I was given the task of making the birthday meal. Céline and Didier requested that it be traditional oriental food, but simple so I decided on egg rolls, spring rolls, and a cold rice noodle salad. Everything but the spring rolls could be prepared ahead of time so I got to work on the egg rolls and noodle salad. The noodle salad was easiest to make so I knocked that off of the list first. For about four hours, I was prepping food for 23 people, Céline had cleaned the entire lower level of the house, while Andréa and Didier had moved all of the heavy furniture into the house for adequate seating and decor.

As for food, the egg rolls were much more difficult than usual because the rice paper that I bought was dry. Everytime I tried to roll the rice paper, it would break. Didier ended up buying new sheets for me at a different store and Andréa, Léa, and Camille helped me roll about 70 egg rolls.
As soon as the all of the egg roll filling was used up Andréa and I left for Marseille because we had plans to go out with his friends for the night. As soon as we got to Andréa's apartment, I drew on some heavy eyeliner and lipstick, threw on a leather jacket and deemed myself ready for a night out on the town. I knew that Andréa was worried about making it to the bar on time because he kept on checking the time so I tried to get ready the quickest way possible.
When we got to Glam Rock, only Sophia and Thomas were there. A bit of time passed before Manon and Yossef met up with us. The bar was really nice. It looks like a normal irish pub but with a lot of flair. The bar was dark with gold highlights and crystal chandeliers and leather seating throughout. There was also a high fashion show displayed on every screen. If I had a bar, this is what it would look like.
The six of us stayed for a few hours before we all decided to call it a night. I feel like I got to know Sophia and Thomas a bit better but they are still a quiet couple so I have a feeling there is more to discover. I always feel so welcome when I am out with Andréa and his friends but there is always Manon and you all know I absolutely love that girl. We shall see how comfortable I feel if she ever doesn't come out...
Andréa got the girls to take pictures of us tonight. He's always signaling to them by taking photos with an imaginary camera, lol. He always says it's the girls that want the pictures of us, but it's actually him ;-) ;-) We finally got a picture out together though. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Coucou My Love,
    Je te fais un petit coucou de la france parce que je pense tout le temps a toi, et depuis que tu es parti au maroc je me sent seul, chaque jour qui passe je vois que, tu es très importante pour moi et vital, c'est vrai que c'est une relation qui viens de commencer mais je sais qu'on veut tout les deux que ca dure et ca durera très longtemps. Je t'aime et c'est sincere profite bien du maroc et j'attend qu'une chose c'est d'etre dans tes bras gros bisous L.Y
