Monday, May 6, 2013

Vendredi, 26 Avril 2013: Billiards and Things

Andréa proposed a dinner with his work friends tonight--Momo, Chrys, and Chrys' girlfriend Alicia. I really, REALLY love this group of friends so I didn't hesitate to say yes. Andréa ended up inviting his best buddy Manon too. Andréa fried breaded turkey filets and made a muslim-friendly salad for Momo who is Algerian. Someone else brought a box of mini-gateaux. But, the thing really worth talking about is the AMAZING chocolate cake that Alicia made. You know it had to be good if a non-chocolate fan calls it "amazing"!

I really enjoyed everyone's company but when the guys got on the topic of work, I got bored, so I started answering Mathieu's texts. Mathieu and I are still friendly with each other, and it doesn't go beyond that, so I don't feel guilty about staying in contact. Andréa's friends talk really, really fast. It's annoying at times but I should be grateful because it helps with my comprehension of normal, spoken french. I get to a point where it gets exhausting though, so I tune them all out and do my own thing. I would really like for once to have an intelligent conversation about science, or religion, or aliens even. Is that so much to ask? I really miss my friends at home...Life is just not as fulfilling if you don't let that nerd out every once in awhile. I don't know if it's just a cultural difference, but the only conversations French people have had around me have dealt with day-to-day life, and nothing beyond that. Maybe they just think I'm really stupid because I'm American. Lol.

The six of us went out afterward. Thank goodness! We hit up the same bowling/billiards locale that we visited the first time I met Andréa's work friends. Instead of bowling this time, we played some American pool. French billiards is different. Half of the balls are red, the other half are yellow. There are no markings on the balls and the game is played on a smaller table. I'm not sure what the rules are. All I know is that I suck at pool. PERIOD. Granted, this was only the second time I've ever played. The first time being in Virginia Beach just last summer. I don't know why these French people are so surprised when I suck at American games. It's not like we bowl or play pool all the time. I mean, some people do, but Americans are involved in so many hobbies, it's hard to keep up with the less preferential regularly. Okay, so I suck at bowling and I suck at billiards. I'm an outdoorsy girl! Give me a ball, ANY ball, and I'll whoop your butt! Now THAT is a true American!!!

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