Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lundi, 20 Mai 2013: Sucrets

Today was yet another national holiday, another day of férié so I was still in Marseille with Andréa as my host family was off doing their own thing in Lyon. Andréa worked today even though the rest of the country was off. The two of us went to his dad's house afterward for lunch. I'm always extremely well-fed when I go to Pierre and Chantal's. Today Papa made fish soup, chicken curry with rice, and caramelized banana with rum sauce. 

Pierre and Chantal have a feisty little Pomeranian named "Sucrets" that I'm afraid of. I absolutely love animals but I was bitten by an old boyfriend's chihuahua so I've been weary of small dogs ever since. I've been to this house dozens of times but the dog always nipped at me when I tried to pet it so I just let it go. She kept coming around me today though and her attitude toward me wasn't hostile for once. I dropped my hand down to let her get my scent as I always did before. Instead of growling and showing her teeth, she licked my hand. I was scared but I carefully pet her and was shocked when she closed her eyes with satisfaction. I thought this dog would always hate me.

After spending some time with his dad and step-mom, Andréa took me to another beach town called Sausset Les Pins. It was a nice Mediterranean village full of tourists unlike Carry Le Rouet where the parents live. In lieu of meeting the hoards of people, the two of us decided to re-visit it another time. After all, a beach is more relaxing when you aren't being trampled all over.

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