Monday, May 6, 2013

Samedi, 27 Avril 2013: Things We Said Yesterday

Andréa's dad invited us to lunch today so we headed to Carry le Rouet. I would NEVER say "no" to Pierre or Chantal. I freakin' LOVE them!!! Pierre is an amazing cook and Chantal is so hospitable! I love talking to them and I even love just listening to them. They're so cute. They're both much older than Andréa's other parents but they live as if they're much younger! My morale is just more optimistic overall when I'm with them :-)

Papa, as I call him, made Carbonara for lunch today. It was to die for! I would've taken a second helping when he offered but I was so full from the marinated calamari, bread, and homemade foie gras that we had as appetizers. I am totally obsessed with foie gras...I would probably eat it every day if I didn't think about how it's made...Though I've heard that it doesn't actually bother the geese and that "they line up for it." I recently read an article by Chef Dan Barber about "humane foie gras." I think I'll give it a try. Apparently, "animal-friendly" foie gras only exists in America so I'll consider myself blessed that I'll be returning soon.

Chantal's sister and neighbor were also present at the lunch. Super intelligent but easy going people. I felt so comfortable around them until a certain topic was brought up for conversation--Andréa moving to America. AHH!!! He didn't tell anyone that we broke up so they all think that he's still on the move. There I was telling all of them that he was going to stay in France and they totally brushed me off as if I was kidding. I literally laughed out loud when I realized they were all serious. 

When Andréa and I got back to his apartment, we had a discussion about the last argument, the arguments leading up to the last breakup, his "pending" move to America, and my stance on all of it. I told him that I didn't want him to come to America anymore and that I didn't want him to learn English for that reason. He replied with something along the lines of 'I'm not learning English for you. It's to make me more marketable and I'm coming whether you like it or not.' My heart was in my throat at this point. Sure I still care about him, a lot, but we fight, damn it. I don't want the arguments to continue in my resident country. I keep getting messages from people saying that arguments are healthy and normal but if you've been keeping up with this blog, or you know me personally, you know I try to avoid any of the polar ends of a relationship. I just like to be content. Sure I like to be super happy, but with that, you also get super pissed at times. There's a balance to everything...

Andréa said he didn't tell anyone about our last dispute or break-up because A.) he knew we would get back together, B.) he didn't want people to know the events that led up to the fight because he was embarrassed, and C.) he didn't want anyone to think badly of me. Okay, fine. I know that Andréa thinks this friends with benefits thing will pass, and it probably will, but this time up until that is a trial period. Yes, I only have eyes for him but I don't consider us to be in a relationship right now. I want to see how things would go when we see each other less, converse less, and are less involved overall. I don't want to have any arguments. If he moves to America with me, we wouldn't see each other much due to how much I work so this is honestly a simulation of what would be real life later on. If it works out, then sure, I would be happy to call him my boyfriend. But he still has to do make the move on his own. I'm not helping him with his visa or any of that. I didn't have anyone help me and I grew a lot because of it. I want Andréa to prove to me that he's mature and able-bodied to handle such complications. If he succeeds, then maybe it will work out. Maybe with that affirmation, we are fated to be together after all. All I can say on the subject is "on verra."

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