Monday, May 13, 2013

Samedi, 4 Mai 2013: PART I: Gregoire Duty

Gregoire woke up this morning upset that his parents weren't back from vacation yet. He screamed for his mom around 6h30-7h00. When he realized that it was me that replied, he put his head back between his stuffed animals and went back to sleep. Around 9h00, I woke up to check on Greg. He was surprisingly still passed out. He must've really been distressed that his parents weren't there. I couldn't get back to sleep so I went downstairs and made myself some breakfast. 

About an hour into my slow, savory breakfast, I heard the house phone ring. I ran upstairs to pick it up and it was maman. She passed the phone to Didier and I could hear him huffing and puffing on the other side. He totally freaked out and said that he had been calling for ten hours and that he was worried something had happened to us because I wasn't answering my cell phone. I admitted that I lost my phone but I didn't tell them that I was eating breakfast which is why I wasn't looking for it. He said that he almost called the police because he thought we had been abducted. How dramatic! After hanging up, I went and looked for my cell phone which was found in my jacket pocket in my room. It's obvious why I didn't hear the phone--I was downstairs eating breakfast and my bedroom is upstairs with the door closed. I looked at the missed calls on the phone and the first one was just 20 minutes before they had called me on the land line. Oh, the cinema! And what's more, Didier said that they had called hundreds of times. There were a total of 3 missed calls on my phone. If there were numerous calls from one number, they would be listed in a sub-menu like they always are. Oh my! What a show my host dad put on! Sure, I understand that you haven't heard from me since bed time, but that's because I was sleeping. And he needs to understand that when he, maman, and the kids aren't here to wake Gregoire up with noise, that he will continue to sleep until he's had enough. Didier also needs to understand that I don't always answer my phone and that it's usually because I'm unavailable! Jesus...he knows I don't ever ignore phone calls. He totally ruined my morning with his theatrics though. He and maman are on vacation. They need to enjoy it and understand that if anything happens, I would tell them. I completely understand their concern but there was no need for so much drama. They couldn't get ahold of me for a whole TWENTY minutes. Would you think about calling the cops if you couldn't reach your babysitter in a time interval that small? I think not. 

Didier really irritated me and I couldn't get my mind off of it so I made Gregoire wake up. I wanted to get some pictures of him around the house so that his parents would get off my back. Poor kid...He still seemed tired when I got him out of bed. I'm sure he didn't sleep through the night. Last night he kept on saying that his parents weren't there because he's mean. He probably thought he was being punished. I tried everything to perk him up this morning. I even brought his bottle of chocolate milk which he refused. His dad has brought him his bottle every morning for almost two years and he always drinks it in his mom's lap in front of the TV. I understand that today was difficult for the little guy. 

Gregoire eventually cheered up as the morning drew on. Andréa kept a close eye on him as I cooked downstairs. I decided to use the rest of the vegetables that were due to expire so I made carrot burgers. These surprisingly turned out well! I will never knock a veggie burger ever again! Gregoire ate two whole burgers! This little guy could totally pass for my kid. He always finishes his plate when I'm cooking ;-)

When 17h00 rolled around, I got Gregoire's overnight sac together and texted his aunt and uncle who would be staying with for the night. JP and Lulu were kind of late in getting back to me so I kind of got anxious. Gregoire also kept dirtying up the freshly cleaned house so that was annoying me as well. But then Andréa asked if we were taking two cars and that totally just pissed me off. I just didn't understand why we would take two cars when the whole point of him coming to Aix to pick me up was so I wouldn't waste gas in my car. Then I didn't understand why it would make sense to him for me to follow him through Marseille when he didn't really know where he was going in the first place. I totally went off on him, though it wasn't really his fault. It's always that mis-communication issue. I just assumed we would put the car seat in his car and that he would drive. My mistake. He ended up getting really upset and got in his car. I don't know what came over me but I stopped him. I opened his car door, he turned off the car, and tried to pass me. He was blocked by my arms and when he looked up with his sad eyes, I just kissed him. He let out a little smile and I knew everything was okay. We discussed what I expected and what he was okay with doing. I made sure he would know what was going to happen before, during, and after the transport of Gregoire and everything was fine once again. This is not normal Melinda behavior, people. If you try to walk out on me, I will let you go. That's just how I am. But this time, I really wanted to stop him. Maybe I'm growing up too or maybe I've just finally found someone worth the effort.

It turned out to be a wise decision not to take two cars because Marseille was absolutely packed with traffic. There was an event in the city tonight so a lot of roads were closed off. We finally got to Greg's aunt and uncle's place and his cousins were there to welcome him. Gregoire wouldn't allow me to put him down and was holding on tight so we took a tour of the apartment together to get him to relax. He's normally like that when I leave him at the creche but he's normally fine when one of the caretakers picks him up. Greg still wouldn't let go after refamiliarizing himself with the apartment so his uncle JP came up with a distraction--dinner. I sat Greg at the table and crouched down beside him. As he was sitting in the chair he was turned toward me with one hand still latched on. JP called maman to see if there was anything she could do, but she just told me to go since Gregoire didn't want to talk to her. Gregoire let me go for one second as his cousins caused a mini-diversion and I walked away. Not even a second later Gregoire starts crying, realizing I wasn't there. I looked back at him with his beet-red face, tears running down his cheeks, and his arms stretched out while he's screaming for me. Dear Lord, it was awful! I was getting ready to run back to him but JP got ahold of him and told me he would be fine. This is weird for someone who doesn't really want kids, but walking out of that apartment was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I felt absolutely terrible! My outlook changed though when JP sent me a text message--"Everything is okay." Whew! What a relief! I guess I'm happy that Gregoire loves me that much...And I'm just the nanny!

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