Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mercredi, 8 Mai 2013: Frenchies

I spent the night at Andréa's last night because today is another national holiday. The majority of the French were off work except for retailers in the big city. The two of us woke up pretty early this morning. He made me my American coffee like the thoughtful boy that he is. My coffee was only half-drank by the time Momo came to pick us up. Momo's never driven me anywhere before so you can imagine my surprise when he jetted onto the road. Luckily, I had already had my hand over my scorching hot Cup o' Joe. Momo did not let off the gas--even when he turned. In fact, I'm pretty sure he had the pedal to the metal. I was kind of scared for my life but I was more worried about spilling coffee all over his clean car. He didn't seem to care, ha haha. I tried to buoy the cup with the movement of the car and that somehow worked. At each stoplight, I would blow forcefully on the coffee and take a big hot gulp until it was eventually gone. You know...I'm kind of proud of myself. I didn't lose a single drop!

When we got to the commercial center I was surprised to see full parking lots everywhere. The guys explained to me that all retailers would be open on this first of two subsequent days of Fériés. We walked into the shopping mall and the shops were alive and bustling with people. The guys led me to FNAC, kind of like our version of Best Buy or Circuit City, where Andréa bought our tickets to Marineland. 

The three of us took a stroll around the mall. The guys tried to lead me to stores that sold inexpensive bathing suits since Andréa and I would be spending the rest of the day by a pool. We stopped at one store which sold mix-and-match pieces at around 25 euro each. 50 euro for an entire bikini is way too expensive in my opinion. Everytime I say "trop chère" the guys just laugh and remind me that I'm in France. Since we've been getting warm weather, a lot more of the stores have been carrying summer-wear. Though the guys said that I wouldn't find anything cheaper than 50 euro, I managed to find a cute knit bikini for 25 euro at Pimkie. 25 euro is still too expensive for a two-piece, but hopefully it'll last me a long time. 

Andréa and I were invited to a barbecue at Nicolas' around noon so we headed there once we were done shopping. Nicolas is one of Andréa's oldest friends. They've known each other since they were 6. Nicolas' house was cute. In fact, it seemed very "American" compared to all of the other houses I've been to in France. He had a front porch (rare), a yard (even more rare), and even a driveway. They even have a turtle farm in the garden. So cute! 

All of the usual suspects were there. Manon, Damien, Benjamin, Sophie, Thomas, etc. We ate burgers and fries which made me miss home a lot. No one makes burgers like Jack Browns...Jeez, I could really go for an Elvis or a Jalapeno Popper right about now. The sun boiled down on us. Since the entire property was enclosed, there was barely any wind. Actually, there wasn't much shade either so instead of allowing myself to fry, I dipped myself into the freezing pool. The temperatures were so extreme today. There was no comfortable medium. I ended up getting out of the pool when Thomas and Julien decided to do cannon bombs. It was a bad idea to get my skin wet and sit back under the sun. I got the ugliest of tan lines. I get dark so quickly, it's a menace. But at least I didn't burn like Andréa. The poor guy is as red as a boiled lobster and is peeling. Alors, c'est la vie. If we ever have kids together, I hope they get my ability not to burn.

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